A Blaffair to Rememblack

USA has other “prestige” show now. There’s at least the interesting looking historical drama “Damnation” that they advertise during Mr. Robot and I think they’ve developed a couple more since then. Mr. Robot was certainly their first one though.

Yeah that’s a pretty good description of Season Two. It had a lot of great moments and exciting ideas, like doing a third of an episode in the style of a bad 80s/90s sitcom, and had some really strong elements: fascinating further exploration of the Whiterose/Minister Zhang character, the whole story of Darlene and

“Mr. Robot” was the USA Network’s first ever attempt at any kind of “quality” show and is completely different in, tone, style, budget, ambition etc. than anything else that was on the show previously. Basically, USA was known as the home of a lot of light-hearted procedurals with a comedy element: shows like Monk,

I would be very happy with it ending after one more season. I think it’d be just about the perfect length to tell this story.

The first half of this season I was borderline thinking of giving up on the show, or at least watching it knowing it would never be as good as it was at the beginning the way I watched all of Orphan Black. But since episode 5 has been one of the best strings of episodes this show has ever done. That terrific

You’re wrong. Marcel is and was a nasty, un-self-aware, arrogant, annoying asshole. He was also the victim of bullying and that was wrong. But just because someone is victimized by people acting even worse doesn’t mean that they’re a good person.

They were reprimanded for their behavior. One guy was literally kicked off the show. And Marcel was and is an insufferable asshole, not some misunderstood victim, even if the other contestants that year were assholes as well.

Marcel was absolutely not aloof. He’s one of the worst try hards in human history. He rapped for fuck’s sake!

I hate Marcel. He’s genuinely a bad person, a completely non-self aware asshole. I’ve seen him on so many shows by now I think I can judge him. What I hate more is when people try to defend him and make it seem like he was some kind of victim just because his antagonists were assholes too.

I experienced 9/11 from a very close vantage point in New York and everything you say a out France in the aftermath of terrorist attacks rings true. I left the area in 2012 but from 2001 to 2012 it became completely normal to see soldiers with machine guns at any random location, any subway station etc.

I’m always wrong about these things but I feel like that’s not totally ruled out!

The whole time I was wondering if the kid was real or not. In some ways I feel like the question hasn’t been fully resolved. Why was there no on else in the Mosque? Why did his parents seem not to care about him or pay attention to him at all?

I understand what he was doing was supposed to be uncomfortable and cringey but if this is performed right it’s funny THAT the character is acting like that, even if the nominal “jokes” are terrible (and bigoted). If Null had been performing the material right there should have been uncomfortable laughter or “oooohs”

What were they supposed to do? They were totally at his mercy. If they’d said no he might of started poking around about what they did in Montreal.

It’s dark but I don’t know if i’d call it depressing.

I really don’t hate or even dislike any of the main four characters, even Dory. Portia’s my favorite of course because she’s so endearing. Elliot is probably objectively the “worst” of the four morally, if we were pretending that they’re real people. He’s a borderline sociopath. He’s so willing to lie about anything,

Do what exactly?

It’s easy to think love conquers all if you’re a multi-gazillionaire like Bono with no problems, or you, apparently.

Buddy I don’t think you’re pretending out of loyalty. I just think you have bad taste!

There is but it’s a secret