A Blaffair to Rememblack

I agree with some of your criticisisms but this is mostly so overwrought. I don’t like Kinja and it would not be my ideal choice for commenting platform but the post disqus AV Club commenting system wasn’t that great for fostering discussion either. There were always problems with logging in and out, problems if you

Except Christopher Reeve was a really good actor who had a bunch of other memorable roles like “Time after Time” and “Noises Off”

I largely agree with this but I do think she’s just perfect as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince, not merely because she looks the part but she has some really good line readings, even some comedic ones. It may have taken a thousand takes to get the some of them but they are good. I’m thiking for example the way she says “the

That was the episode that aired last night on Comedy Central in the US. They’re a week behind (because I guess the recappers been sick?) but they did a very poor job explaining.

I get that but I can’t find a satisfactory reason why the people being tortured figuring it out means that the torture has to end. Seems like Michael could just say “Oh so you figured it out y’all are some smart cockroaches. Okay, have fun being in the Bad Place for eternity matched with the people most suited to

This is more than a little nitpick. It pretty much cuts to the core of the whole premise and I can’t figure out a satisfactory answer for it. It’s something you have to accept in order for the show to exist at all. Why does Michael even care if they figure it out? Even if they’re self aware they’re still in the Bad

That’s my only worry about this season. The main characters losing all the continuity from the first go round we saw them go through in season one means that all that character development is lost, a long with a lot of nuances of their relationships etc.


Interesting pilot with a lot of premise. On paper it seems like this should’ve been hackneyed but for some reason it was mostly exciting. It wasn’t a revelation or a work of originality and brilliance like Legion but it felt better than most network pilots. Seemed a lot like Singer X-Men, unsurprisingly, in a good

Yes. This is correct. He’s just a local ADA who happens to have prosecuted some cases that involved mutants. He looks at Sentinel Services the way a local prosecutor would look at some special FBI task force or Homeland Security or something. They’re “way above his pay grade” as they say.

I’m old too and I watched in the 80s and 90s. The show wasn’t consistently any better than either. It’s just a combination of nostalgia and the fact that what you’re really remembering are the best sketches over a period of years which gives you little indication of what individual episodes were actually like in their

Not exactly. They’re both from the tri-state are and are white men but Trump was born in a rich part of Queens to a rich (though not insanely rich) real estate developer. The Baldwins come from the South Shore of Long Island and are from a working or middle class family. I think their parents were teachers or

Recommended your comment for your accurate description of Trump and why he’s so difficult to satirize. Disagree with most of the rest of it.

Couldn’t agree more. I thought this was one of the strongest eps in awhile. The only thing that really didn’t work for me was the Trump cold open (which I admit was terrible). Great monologue (which is a rarity) great pre-tape sketch with Papyrus. I thought the restaurant sketch was hilarious (despite product

One of the few positives of the migration to Kinja!

Every so often comments like this pop up and it’s clear they’re from people who don’t watch SNL regularly and have no idea what it’s like from week to week and what makes a good episode or a bad one.

I don’t agree. I used to feel that way but I think he’s really improved over the years and become adept at portraying a wide array of characters in contrast to before when all of his characters seemed kind of the same.

Anyone who enjoys 4chan is a racist asshole so yeah I see what you mean

Um Gawker hasn’t existed as a website for like 2 years now?

Pretty sure you’re describing existentialism and not nihilism here