A Blaffair to Rememblack

And NOW combine all THAT with the fact that Vicki was working hard on an Australian accent and was pissed off she never got to use it! Hmmmm

This was a bizarre review. This was a great episode and probably the straight up funniest and the most “on brand” Broad City ep yet this season. No structural experimentation a la the premiere and no stunt casting like the second ep just straight up Ilana and Abbi (and Lincoln and Bevers!) insanity with lots of call

I completely disagreed with that part of the review. It was completely within the normal tone of Broad City and not at all “too mean.” Abbi barely knows the paramedic! She’s delusional! She completely deserved to be mocked.

It’s a column a column b/it can be both situation. It’s common to cut it with certain laxatives yes but it’s also a stimulant and, like all stimulants, makes you shit.


Trabbi 4evah!

This does not account for the proprietary super jizz which I formulate. It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and super foods.

Yeah I think people forget what a generally shitty person Sarah was supposed to be at the beginning of the series. She was basically just a small time criminal, and her biggest skills were lying and conning people. These skills and her toughness served her well when battling the big conspiracy but those issues weren't

I agree. The more typical move for a series finale of a show with a lot of plot like this would be to have a bunch of final plot convolutions, standoffs with guns drawn, final confrontations of the villains etc. but the thing is we've had SO MUCH of that over the seasons of this show. In my opinion we've had too much

The point is that they actually acknowledged Tony in some way. Many people on these very boards were arguing that the show would never even acknowledge the character's existence again.

He would have to go method and be on heavy sedatives the entire time to really act like Ben Carson

He looked better bald too!

Triumphant return of Shay?

Not only was he an asshole, but it was implied that he was dirty and involved in some shady dealings with Beth.

I like Angie too!


Yeah, it was terrible. The whole Castor plotline was awful and I think a large part of it was that Ari Millen just wasn't a good enough actor to pull it off.

Call Art Raylan Givens because that shoot was Justified! *puts on sunglasses* Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhh!

Maybe she didn't look like enough like a young Maslany but her acting was amazing, just so raw and powerful. I think it was some of the best work I've ever seen from a child actor.