A Blaffair to Rememblack

I liked Hell Wizard's rap

When Cosima was in Minnesota I thought they only skyped and stuff but I could be wrong.

No they haven't. See above.

Australia is absolutely more similar to the US culturally than Canada is.

You're absolutely wrong. They were clearly in Ontario the entire time. There were Ontario license plates, Canadian money etc., but they never explicitly said the words Canada, Ontario, or Toronto (though they might have mentioned some Toronto suburbs).

Right. It's the style of no style. But to say it's "dressing like a normal person" has a lot of embedded assumptions, like what's "normal" and what it means to "dress normal." And like I said the term has broadened to encompass having mainstream tastes in pop culture, like Big Bang Theory, Marvel movies, no "weird

It's funny that you saw the introduction of Krystal and asked for more of her and you're commenting on the episode that's sort of her triumphant return, as you can see from the attached image.

You misunderstood the recapper's question. I get they are lost souls taken on by the promise of this cult, but, like what are they doing there? What are their JOBS if they have any? Are they scientists/researchers or are they just, like, laborers and cooks helping the camp function? Why does Westmoreland even NEED

Right that's one definition of it. But it can also mean simply unironically dressing in super normative, non-expressive fashion. Plaid shirts, normal fitting jeans, New Balance sneakers etc. and enjoying very mainstream unironic culture like the Big Bang Theory, Top 40 music etc.

Wrong again. I've heard actual humans say "the Land" but have never ever ever heard anyone say "C Bus" or "C Town".

You're lying. I live in Northeast Ohio and am cognizant of Columbus and nobody ever says these things. Ever.

I live in Cleveland. Nobody says any of those things.

In my experience this is all sports radio and basically all talk radio of any kind.

These guys are bad and if you listen to them you are bad and of course should feel bad.

Yeah I was going to say "25 comments!" These recaps are likely not long for the world.

Yeah there was no reason for them not to be in the "back room" from the first episode while the actual transaction happened.

He's basically a toned down version. That character was way more unhinged.

Edit: "TWO KIS"

The backpack seems like a bit of a contrivance but I think the idea is that he literally has no other place he can stash it. Not at his mom's house. Not at his uncle's. So his jury rigged solution is to just keep it on his person. It's insanely risky but he's so young and naive at this point he's more afraid of

I was a cocaine user for 3 or 4 years and I'd say the OP's comment sounds like it comes from a place of more real firsthand knowledge of the drug than like 99% of the hysteria you hear out there. Straight up ODing on coke or crack is virtually unheard of and I imagine that the only reason the show chose to portray it