A Blaffair to Rememblack

I agree about the Aynsley death scene and it still bothers me. I guess what's supposed to excuse it is that Allison thinks that Aynsley is her Monitor at that point, but it never set well with me. It's just such an incredibly gruesome way to just watch someone violently die like that and it's just so strange tonally

I neither hope for a bleak ending nor think it would be appropriate for the show. I could see some dark stuff happening in the end game and some of the main characters dying but I think, given the final season's emphasis on the sisterhood of the main four clones, it's very unlikely that any of the big four will get a

I actually thought this was the first legitimately good episode of the season. The exposition heavy dialogue and the pronoun games and needless complication are par for the course with Orphan Black, but I thought this had many efffective, suspenseful, tense scenes. And it actually offered some real answers, even if

When's Wheels Ontario coming back?

Whatever further explanation you gave your original comment was laughable on its face. Even if there was/is a "continuum" the extreme end of the continuum never came anywhere near "hard science." That term has a specific meaning of using actual, real scientific explanations for things. As someone else pointed out the

I think the issue was not so much that Bill wasn't left to die or to be a Cyberman for all eternity. That would be far too bleak. The issue was HOW the story took her out of that situation. It was pretty ridiculous, even by Doctor Who standards. At least it was a call back to Bill's first episode, which made it seem

Ah yes. That hard science that Doctor Who is known for. I hear it's used in a lot of real science classes.

You okay? You seem upset?

HOnestly all of these are pretty good observations and more or less mirror how I felt while watching the first few episodes.

This comment 0/10

They used to be common on reality tv competition shows and were colloquially called "TiVo" busters (to give you an idea when this first started happening.) The idea I think was to stop people from fast forwarding the commercials because they'd be afraid of missing all this content that randomly occurred during the

I think you may be confusing "weird" artsy queens a la Milk with "high fashion" queens which has some art school weirdness mixed with more polish and conventional attractiveness a la Raja let's say

I'd be totally fine with a world where Bianca wasn't the winner of that season, particularly since it means Adore would've been the winner.

This is just nuts. I know that this is a common view among Sasha haters out there but it makes zero sense to me. I never saw her tone as "holier than thou" or saw her "speaking down" to anyone. Do you maybe just have some issue with people who, like, know things? This is literally impossible to argue and completely

This is a really weird list of Queens if you're trying to prove that other queens have been as "weird and academic minded" as Sasha. Most of the queens you list were not nearly as intellectual or intentional in what they were doing as Sasha. I can't comment on the first two seasons but:

An American young man targeting a gay club on a night specifically for Latina drag queens to kill as many gay and Latin people in America as possible has nothing to do with American prejudice? You seem to be saying that because it wasn't carried out with the apparatus of the state behind it it doesn't count.

Thanks but to be clear I was quoting another commenter like I said.

There are countless instances in RPDR of the queens relating to each other in positive, sisterly, friendly ways. Like literally countless. There's even an ongoing joke about the show being called "Ru Paul's Best Friends's Race" because of it.

If you've been slammed for a view it's probably because you're an awesome badass truthteller who's smarter than everyone else. It couldn't possibly be because that view is completely fucking stupid.

I'm not gay but Pulse Massacre!? Murders of trans people almost every single day? Near constant reports of gay bashing attacks some of them resulting in death? A fascist asshole who some fascist asshole on this thread above praised (Milo watsisname) who literally has an act of going around college campuses putting up