A Blaffair to Rememblack

Yes the reviewer doesn't think TV shows should be total garbage. How telling.

Because the character is potentially interesting and the actress is good. Something more interesting could be done with her and the show become so much about endlessly exploring Sherlock and Watson's psyches it wouldn't hurt to open it up a bit.

I wasn't saying that I have a better source. My point was that in my experience Closed Captioning is so inaccurate, even getting basic things wrong, misspelling words etc. that I certainly wouldn't rely on it for something more nuanced like getting the correct spelling of Shawn/Saun/Sean/Shaun. I'm not sure who these

To be clear what I'm saying is that there has been EXTENSIVE discussion of the points system and how it works. Maybe it happened and I missed it, but I've yet to see anyone assert that the points system is just arbitrary nonsense.

It is weird to nitpick the math in a sitcom episode, and probably not very fruitful. No offense but I think some viewers are way more into the "world building" aspect and trying to make every detail make sense within that than is warranted. I'm not just talking about this show but so many shows where I see people

I wouldn't rely on Closed Captioning for something like that, even if it happened to be right in this case.

Yeah I'll echo everyone else and say I'm pretty sure that was her "while still on earth" score. To me this brings up an inconsistency which I haven't seen anyone else mention, which is I thought shoe calculations ended as soon as you made it to the Good Place i.e. they're not about measuring how ethical you are in the

Honestly I think you're engaging in some Chidi-like way overthinking it here.

According to wikipedia they had a new album in 2016, amazingly enough.

Obviously many of the things that earn or lose point are serious ethics type things. The others are clearly just jokes about what the writers consider tacky or annoying. Technically it doesn't actually hurt anyone to have a personalized license plate. It's just stupid and tacky.

"Go back to your void" was my favorite line.

I don't even know what rumor you're talking about. Most people that I know don't like RHCP simply because they've been terrible for the last 20 plus years.

No. They're bad. They were always bad and you should feel bad if you like them. (If you just liked them in the past there's no reason to repent or anything.)

Tell my wife I said . . .hello.

Maybe the writers were trying to say that Sherlock and John's relationship had deteriorated so much that John had lost all trust in Sherlock? I don't really know if that explanation works or not though. I'm inclined to think you're basically right.

Also "Oh Mama"

I kind of know what you mean. It doesn't have the immediate standouts that kind of transcended the album like RTJ did and seems to be more about creating a consistent mood throughout a fairly long (51 minute) album, but I still love it and find new stuff in it very time. But I do think "Legend Has it" is almost on the

This is a very bad opinion. ZDLR fit in just perfectly on the previous album and on this one.

I haven't listened to RTJ 1 in awhile but I remember it being much shorter and having more of a tossed off feel to it, like it seemed more like it was going to be a one off side project at the time or something. I remember being surprised that there was going to be a second one and then RTJ2 came out and seemed to

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