A Blaffair to Rememblack

I'm not sure it's so obvious that she's MERELY a villain. I mean, she does some villainous things but . .so does Darlene, for instance

Your friend sounds like a douchebag and probably comments on the AV Club.

I think folks are misremembering or misunderstanding how Elliot blew the whistle on Ray's whole Silk Road like operation. Basically he just got rid of all the encryption and made it to the site could be accessed through a normal browser on a normal computer. After that LEOs quite quickly noticed a site openly offering

I still can't stand it every time Elliot's worldview is described as "sophmoric" or "simplistic". The implication seems to be that any anti-corporate or anti-capitalistic viewpoint is "sophmoric." So, I guess Noam Chomsky (say) is sophmoric? Karl Marx? The show is partially about the difficulty of achieving those

If you felt season was "over-praised" and found flaws you'll likely find season two even moreso. It's not a huge step down in quality by any means and has some brilliant moments that are maybe beyond anything in the First Season. However, if you're looking for straightforward plot development this season is much more

I don't like her methods but goddamit does she get results!

She reminded me a bit of the Venture Bros. character "Molotov Cocktease" which is a real compliment. I'd attach an image but I'm too dumb to know how to do that in comments.

She'll give 'em something to talk about.

Way more than a million in Manhattan if she was buying, but the upper echelon of corporate life in New York is crazy. That could plausibly be a place they just like gave her while she gets "settled in."

Props to everyone who predicted this twist exactly after the previous episode to this one.

It was explained on reddit that this is apparently a famous computer simulation game where the goal is to cause a stalemate in the fewest moves possible. There is no logical reason to make any of these moves other than to bring about that outcome.

CSI: Cyber tho

I haven't lived in NYC since 2012 but my guess is seeing someone on a VR Headset wouldn't be that weird now. Hell, I saw it in Pittsburgh earlier this year.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

No way. That's gotta be a curated list. I mean "Citiznefour"!? C'mon!

"his was also the first time Mr.Robot has acknowledged 'us' the audience." That's not true at all. There were first season episodes where he literally shook the camera and yelled at us.

Mime jack off motion at @Pi@disqus_RCjb8muKPR:disqus

And Orphan Black!

Not at all. She just new she had to look beautiful because that's what's demanded of a woman in theses situations but I don't think she wants to start an affair with Price (who is married? yes?) I think she just thought she was being brought even further into the inner sanctum and wanted to look the part.