A Blaffair to Rememblack

Kurt Vonnegut said something like he was a "sophomoric writer" in that he dealt with the kinds of questions college sophomores think about: what's the meaning of life? etc. I'll take sophomoric over the "sophistication" of many commenters here any day.

Why does it matter?

This is all a little dicey but my take on things was always that everyone we see (with exception of Mr. Robot and possibly Tyrell) does exist as a real person separate from Elliot. It's just that Elliot's mental illness makes him perceive real people in a different way and his mind invents all kinds of delusions about

What do you find cartoonish? If anything they do appears more evil than what corporate oligarchs are doing now you must never read the news.

This is as good an idea as any but I'm sure it won't be that straightforward.

I'm actually annoyed with the totally hackneyed and reactionary "revolutions don't work" theme and surprised that Alex seems to find this conservative, counterrevolutionary message to be interesting or original. Don't get me wrong, I can see how exploring the problems with the immediate aftermath of a revolution could

Anyone who enjoys after shows must be intellectually disabled.

All "after shows" are terrible and should be banned.

LEOn/Uncle LEO? Coincidence?

It's a really horrible, ridiculous, implausible concept that's unfortunately just gained more credence as the world has become more and more chaotic and violent. The best/worst is when people show pictures of the "same person" at three different terrorist attacks or whatever and the people don't actually look remotely

Mary Jo White SEC

And Elliot and Leon's diner is a bizarro analogue to the diner where Jerry and George seemed to spend most of their lives

And Mary Jo White!

Yeah it's terrible that anyone would ever question capitalism in any way. Great take!

I mean, "Peak TV" right? They can't possibly keep up with everything, just like viewers can't.

So there are 40 comments on the recap announcing that it's the last ever recap of this show and folks are wondering why coverage was cancelled? This is the last ever recap! There should at least be a robust debate on the merits of the show, whether or not it warranted coverage etc. It's obvious that these recaps got

The point is that the phrase "jumped the Shark" itself jumped the shark long ago. Even the guy who coined it has admitted as much. What started off as a fun way of trying to figure out the precise moment when a long running show went bad turned into this thing where any big shift or gamble the show made was seen as

I came around on Adele and don't mind the way they handled her. She came around and initially made you think she was some sort of spy/double agent/Neolution mole, but in the end she really was what she appeared to be and just provided a brief life for Felix outside of being a helper for Sarah/Clone Club. Then when the


You're missing the point. You need to look at the way things are portrayed in this fictional, scripted television show and not pretend this is a documentary about real lawyers. The entire way that Chuck's getting Mesa Verde back from Kim was portrayed made it clear that it was a purely vindictive, selfish act meant to