A Blaffair to Rememblack

I agree that there's an oddly sexless quality to their relationship as portrayed. It's not that I need to see explicit sex scenes exactly, but their interactions are oddly chaste and often seem non-romantic. (Did anyone else find it interesting that they choose to grift as brother and sister rather than as husband and

Good catch on remembering the Area 51 episode. That was the worst episode of the entire run of the series by a wide margin. Placing this (flawed, but not terrible) episode in anywhere near the same category would be absurd.

I was just being provocative when I said "doing it wrong," but I do think it's pretty inarguable that someone using the recaps as you describe is not using them for their intended purpose or not using them in the standard way or something like that. A recap/review of an episode of television is just that, a recap of

I'd keep Killam as well but he seems to be fading into the background a bit. I like Mooney and Bennett a lot as well but they don't seem to be gelling with the show.

I thought for sure he'd play that gruff producer of a Womens' Talk Show that has to take over as the host for some reason.

Anyone who doesn't like Lionel Richie can go fuck themselves.

I like him quite a bit as well, both for Portlandia and SNL. I think some of the acquired taste thing comes from the fact that a lot of his shtick is playing off-putting weirdos, which I find hilarious but a lot of people find, well, off-putting.

You're doing it wrong then.

I'm super ultra very far left but I find most comics, particularly the male ones, to be pretty right wing. A lot of them still come from the shock jock/morning zoo crew circuit and even those that don't spend most of their time making fun of other races in broad terms, making fun of women in broad terms etc. etc.

Yeah I thought the monologue was brilliant.

I really like Kyle Mooney too, but he hasn't gotten much good material this season.

Sudeikis is fucking awesome. One of the best cast members of the last decade or so.

Yeah she wasn't actually happy to be removed from power by a right wing coup.

My mother's from Brazil and I lived there for a year as a teenager and I actually thought Rudolph did a surprisingly decent job sounding Brazilian as opposed to merely sounding like a Spanish speaker. She even threw a fair number of real Portuguese words in there.

Yeah the joke of the Monty Python sketch that I think people are referencing was that Peckinpah loved over-the-top violence so damn much that even if he did a high brow period piece it would probably be super-violent. The joke of "Goodbye Mr. Bunting" as I see it was taking a well-known moving finale to a beloved

Yeah I was thinking Moet White Star is actually, like, not too bad no?

I enjoyed the return of Regine and Sudeikis was characteristically great as a straight man. But for some reason Vanessa Bayer breaking/"corpsing" to the extent she did really bothered me. And she brought everyone else down with her. By the end it was approaching the dreaded "Carol Burnett and Friends" territory. And

But the poetry textbook he was reading was hilarious. It just straight up says how poetry should be boring and stuffy and everyone should just hate it.

Didn't seem to help that Rudnitsky dude much.

Bianca did trailblazing work? Being a modern day Joan Rivers is trailblazing?