
Just remember that you're only first because of the work Belisarius did.

The look of the place, particularly the foyer, makes me think of one of those '90s Myst clones where you wander around aesthetically baffling spaces trying to solve obtuse puzzles (as opposed to the original Myst, where you wander around aesthetically coherent spaces trying to solve obtuse puzzles).


I'm trying to find where he admits that he didn't actually speak to Heyer's family. Can anyone help me on this? My Google-fu is weak today.

A lot of the most effective teen movies, for me, are the ones that deliberately abandon realism. My favorite teen movie (and favorite movie in general) is Brick, which barely counts as one since it's a noir pastiche.

I live near Los Angeles, and I find the Oscars to be excruciatingly dull.

I'm half-Asian. All y'all angsty white people have my permission to go see this movie if you're so inclined.

There's a direct correlation between the decline of spirographs and the graph's omission of Dr. S.

You have the obsessive drive for esoteric knowledge I have come to expect from Marathon fans.

I've only read eight of these books. In my defense, I have read other books by some of the authors on this list (like Dostoyevsky and Kerouac).