
Carmen Sandiego's boss? Strike two, buddy.

Seriously… y'all too good for Becker?

'Limbo.' Loved it, wouldn't change a thing, and I'm worried a sequel would just fall short. Although the poster alone for 'Project 2' looks pretty sick.

OK, these are all fair points… but (as you may or may not be aware), Macklemore has been a fixture of Seattle-area hip-hop clubs and radio stations for quite some time. I saw him open for Wu-Tang, and he's collaborated with a lot of cool local groups like Shabazz Palaces (who I recommend to every hip-hop fan who

I didn't say he was good at rapping, and that didn't seem to be your bone of contention with him either. You said, "the fact that he feels he is in a position to call out rap music on anything, that he can be the Great White Hope for hip hop is even more galling."

For the record, I agree with most of your points, particularly the last sentence — and Macklemore's faux antics in the wake of winning his Grammy were pretty weak.

He's been rapping since the early 2000s. I know most of the country hadn't heard of him prior to 'Same Love' and 'Thrift Shop,' but that doesn't mean he's new to the game. At what point is he, the "Great White Hope," allowed to call out his fellow rappers? Probably never, right?

I'm not a Macklemore superfan (i.e., Shark Face Gang member, etc.) by any stretch, but I did have the pleasure of interviewing him a couple years ago. I don't really dig his music — like Joe M., I prefer my hip-hop with a little less corn and a little more grit — but Macklemore is an eloquent, intelligent guy who's

Stick to what you know, AV Club: 2,000-word analyses of 90's songs and 'Worst of' lists. Leave the sports talk to writers who don't feel compelled to discuss how good the uniforms look.

I'd be really curious to know the age of this article's author. Because if he's under the age of 35, then quite frankly he has no business writing off a musical scene he didn't experience firsthand. Critique? That's fine, but don't say "it didn't matter." A lot of music from the 70's and 80's doesn't resonate with me,