
I will remember the monsters.

What was he spoiling? (And don't spoil it)

I don't want to know the spoiler but what was it for?

Too interesting. Can it

I already have a rough outline on what could be a legitimate Season 9.

Honestly, if Scott Buck put a gun to the heads of my family and ordered me to write a decent review of Dexter…

I can't link it but I did it over. It's not as good as it was but it has most of what it had before. It should be on here somewhere

We have to do it right, though. It can't be stupid for the sake of being stupid. It has to be just the right amount of stupid.

5. Second Santa Muerte Killer
6. Lumen

Walter White is going to become a lumberjack

Guys, there's going to be a Season 9! The big bad has already been cast!

96 Hour Club! We're basically the equivalent of the Unsullied from Game of Thrones now. We'd be the most effective army ever if we were all gathered up. Completely emotionless and a lot of built up rage from all this wasted time

So I wrote my best and most concise episode breakdown yet and closed the tab. I'll try to replicate it now but I'm sad. I'm NOT watching the episode again so I'll just look at those little picture boxes as I mouse over the bar that tells me how much time is left in the episode. I'll try to recreate it as best I could,

NOOOO. I wrote my proudest episode breakdown ever for this episode and accidentally closed the tab. Sorry, guys.

This F marks the first time in history where Dexter didn't win

I now present…

I saw the F rating and got up, did a little dance, and let out a victory screech. We did it everyone! Scott Buck has paid for his crimes!

My issue resolved naturally. I don't know how

It should get a D-. That would fit the theme of the show: Dexter always wins