
This is the best. Highlights! (Each number all represents each comment replying to the preceding one in that number)

Might be a repost. I didn't know if I shared this with you guys

@avclub-f70fed7d681f918c8f4a492c21e5f704:disqus Walt does bar hop in later seasons, though. Plus, they didn't both arrive at the same time. As far as we know, Donald was there since he left Jane's.

@avclub-f70fed7d681f918c8f4a492c21e5f704:disqus Fair enough I suppose. Still, like I said, if a TV show can engross you enough, you forget about the plot holes. And from what's been mentioned…
1. Ken's Car Explosion-Plot Hole (However, unlike 2 and 3, this was just a "moment." It wasn't made to advance the story

@avclub-f70fed7d681f918c8f4a492c21e5f704:disqus Seasons 1-4 are fantastic (3 was really good at the end) but we aren't complaining about Dexter in general. We're complaining about Season 8. There were plenty of plot holes in earlier seasons of Dexter and nobody points them out because they're so engrossed in the story.

Well, Walt did address the astronomical odds of meeting Jane's Dad in "Fly" That doesn't make it right I suppose.

I was in a rotten mood this morning

It's okay. I'd rather have Dexter arrested and facing all the people he's betrayed instead of blowing himself up and some more Dexter vs. Deb conflict instead of this serial killer story but it's much better than what we have now

velvetdewdrop. Hm…I wonder if you're in any way related to dewdropvelvet, the person who hated on Dexter haters.

Oh my God…I'm in tears. It's 1 am at my house and I tried to hold back my laughter as hard as I could but it just torrented out. Thank you

Everybody's hyping up these leaks. I'm getting a little aroused just thinking about how bad the finale is going to be

If Curb can get it, I'm pretty sure we can make one exception

Walking Dead did the same thing. Ugh. I'm going to miss the comments on this show. The hate comments on the Walking Dead aren't as fun

This would actually be perfect. We've all been disappointed with this season because it hasn't played out the way we've wanted it to or used the plotlines we wanted, and having terrible characters, writing, etc

I know. It's kind of exciting, isn't it? Come on, Alston! F for finale!

"In Dexter, that which is important to Dexter is important to everybody."-This line is so amazing I want to frame it on my wall

Also want to make an extremely accurate generalization and say that if you're still defending this show at this point, you're a fanboy. Plain and simple.


Yay…more Dexter…