
Walking Dead is just getting worse and worse. Season 3 was by far the worst one yet (Clear was good, though)

Besides "He was dead the whole time" or "Because I escaped", this is one of the worst Dexter VO's ever

False. The Harrison treadmill scene was quality

Can we (the "fans") make a Season 9 and you end up reviewing it? We won't try to make it horrible. It'll be just like typical Dexter

It was more the fact that Dexter had a good thing going and everyone who supporte d it has turned against it (also funny things like people saying there's no way Laguerta's corpse wouldn't be disposed)

Season 1
Season 2, but it ends with Dexter deciding to kill Doakes to preserve his identitySeason 4, more or lessThe next season (Season 4) deals with the repurcusions of Rita's death. Dexter goes unhinged. Quinn or Laguerta investigates Dexter. Dexter kills them. Deb finds out he's a serial killerThe next season is

*Three months ago

Typically I'd agree with you but this is a MAJOR TV death that happened three months ago.

I avoided it and I finished Game of Thrones a little more than a week ago

You're a terrible person. Why ruin his experience?

I caught up on Game of Thrones about a week or two ago and I was very cautiously avoiding the Red Wedding spoilers. I don't have HBO and the show isn't even on DVD yet. I understand that Alston shouldn't have to tiptoe to every commenter's needs but he could've used a little more discretion. I would've been pissed, too

Season 6 of Lost had GREAT episodes. Yeah, the Temple was boring. It still had the feeling of an endgame, though

I'm surprised that Alston said the Vogel/Oliver interactions gave this episode a +. That was definitely one of the weaker parts of an already weak episode

Nah I borrowed a friend's DVDs

I know I say this a lot but I really enjoyed Season 7. I thought it had more highs than lows and the finale was a very quality episode that seemed to make me believe the show was going to move in new and exciting directions for Season 8. Now, let’s look at comments from others like myself who were also misguided by

I've been watching Six Feet Under in my downtime (Great show by the way. Highly recommend) and I saw something I haven't seen in a long time…

Thank God I caught up on Game of Thrones a week ago or I would've been pissed at Alston

"Also, I'm thinking about retiring in a week or two."
