
I'll admit I hate the Walking Dead more because of it's complete disrespect to the source material and how popular it is when it fails in nearly every area of TV, but my main gripe with Dexter this season is that they're afraid to take risks. They don't want Dexter to look bad and they're probably going to end with a

I think I was one of the few people to not guess that Oliver was the Brain Surgeon. I figured he killed Cassie but him being the Brain Surgeon seemed a little too random and out there. I was giving the writers a little too much credit. I guess I forgot the show I was watching

I thought you had said, and I quote
"You guys are being too hard on this show… It's the end, why not spend the last bit enjoying what's left instead of pointing your finger and screaming at the TV? I have no problem with critique, I just read sooo many negative comments tonight about Dexter on this site, everybody

"One of these we always look forward to is that-uh…Dexter's a superhero."

I even saw a comment on IGN that was upset about the 7.5 and said "He's being too harsh. Why don't they get a reviewer who likes the show?" Somebody directed them to AV Club

*Receives reply from reviewer* 
+5000 XP

You should really comment more

@avclub-23f8d84941c95fa2d72f32a4c8407773:disqus "I can't stand Breaking Bad, but I love Dexter."

I just wanted to know that yours and keevek's comments had me out of breath with laughter for so long that I ended up out of breath, coughing and gasping. Thank you so much.

But Harrison has never met Hannah since she returned. He literally knows nothing besides her being mentioned a few times

A hero should be taking consequences for their actions

I was confused by what you were saying and you're right. There IS no new episode. What's the deal? Are they trying to prolong our suffering?

I already made a comment but I'm going to ask again because I really don't understand, and that makes me feel dumb to not understand something on Dexter. If the Federal Marshal knew Dexter was dating Hannah, why would it have been shocking that Harrison knew who Hannah was? Is it a stretch to think that they could've

Thanks. I appreciate it

Fix the episode numbering, Alston! It's episode 9! Every. Single. Review I think that I have more of this shlock to get through but I don't.

Did it seem really obvious to anyone else that they're choreographing Hannah's death? I mean, c'mon… I hate her character but don't make it obvious



Alston was spot on with the writers adoring Dexter as a superhero. Here's an idea for the final season. Laguerta is dead. Deb is going off the rails and so is Dexter. Dexter has killed an innocent so now he's full on mass murderer. He's set free of his code and is now operating in a ruthless fashion, and maybe Brian

Call me an idiot but I don't see why it would've been a big deal if Harrison said Hannah's name. The federal marshal knew Dexter and Hannah dated. Would it have been crazy to assume she met Harrison? Am I missing something?