

The Walking Dead did the same thing. Rick had to make a choice to kill Randall or let him go and instead of going through with the choice, Shane did it for him. Dexter and the Walking Dead both did this in their second season. Breaking Bad did this in their 2nd and third episodes. That's why Breaking Bad will always

I made a Dexter Drinking game. Here are the rules:

I do have one but I like to watch Breaking Bad right when it starts

I don't want to talk about the episode right now. I want to mention that god-forsaken commercial with the CG money tree that will no doubt haunt my nightmares, my children's nightmares, and my grandchildren's nightmares. What spawn of Satan created such a foul and vile commercial with such a heinous creature residing

Dawn of the Dead was rad

He's a figment but everyone just calls him Ghost Harry

I suggest using that check Showtime gave you to make something out of your life

He has a kid, too. He has to pay for dental, vaccinations, food, toys, etc.

(Another user posted this before)

He killed the cannibal. That's it. I don't blame you for forgetting, though. I did, too

I like the metaphor of the car used in this review. I don't really think the driver has a destination. I think he's just driving until he runs out of gas.

There have been episodes of Dexter this season that barely broke 48 minutes. Many episodes of Breaking Bad are longer than that. Also, at least 6 minutes of each episode go to the theme song and "Previously on Dexter…"

Haha! Yes! Do it!

I'm going to watch it now. I want to delve into Scott Buck's mind. I can't imagine it'll be much different from delving into my toilet

The only case they ever closed was a guy who ran away with bloody socks and was found near the crime scene, so this is accurate.

To be honest, I did. 

Everyone is being so negative and not looking at the bright side of this episode. No spinoff (that we weren't going to watch anyway) with Zach! Hooray!

"I also appreciated Dexter telling me it was Zach's blood under Cassie's fingernails, because I couldn't tell from either (1) his name popping up on the screen or (2) the accompanying picture that also popped up on the screen. I think this is a show for blind people with severe memory loss."

Dexter has never tried to be the best drama on TV or show a new message about society or be a smart show, but it was always fun to watch. Even in its darkest hours. This is just pitiful. The writers aren't even trying.