Mr Thingy

Joe Johnston is the poor man's Steven Spielberg
as a director he has all the grace and subtlety of a fart in a space suit.

Don't worry, Sam Adams
Ed Wood is still an endlessly rewatchable, heart-rendingly beautiful and entertaining tribute to the world's goofiest film director. It's just that Tim Burton is like a goth Ridley Scott: an unimaginative hack who spent a life time of vision on 2 good movies (in Burton's case, Beetlejuice and Ed

1999: American Beauty? LOVED IT!

in YE Olde England we call noight sticks truncheons - they don't have those posh swingy bits wot you Yanks 'ave

3D porn
can't come soon enough

Dressed To Kill is easily his most overrated film. I can see why people like Blow Out even if I loathe it, but Dressed To Kill? Is it really such a novelty to see Michael Caine as a lizard-lipped transvestite?

Travolta was the best thing about
Blow Out. Despite playing a pretty creepy dork who works on shitty movies (and puts into action one of the worst movie twists of all time) John Travolta is the only compelling and brilliant thing in a movie so awful it borders on incompetence.

Killer Tyre vs. Augustus Pablo: Rubber-Dub-Dub

gets my vote.

Possible 2nd sequel change of direction - Giant Rubber: the Flatenning

OR Insomnia - another warm-hearted tale about an exemplary Scandinavian law man. Anyone who's also seen Budbringerin (from Norway) and Jar City (Iceland) could be forgiven for thinking that Scandinavians don't have a very high opinion of their public servants.

That's the way it should be.

The North pretty much is the British equivalent of The South. Only with fewer banjos and no KKK (we have the BNP instead - they don't wear sheets but they're still wankers).

and the sequel ….
Rubber 2: Bouncing Back

"Laughably, horribly bad" is how it was described in the Guardian. "A disabled, faith-healing DJ from skid row" sounds like the answer to some sort of Sundance Madlibs game. How does this premise become anything other than a punchline?

Why would anyone need to buy Murder She Wrote on DVD?
I've traveled widely and channel surfed through-out many countries and not once have I seen the same episode of Murder She Wrote twice, nor have I ever found myself wanting to watch Murder She Wrote and not finding a double-bill on TV somewhere.

Power Rangers - Now hear me out…..
When I was 7 Power Rangers hit Channel 3 in the UK and I was hoping against hope that every dickhead in school would high-kick each other into a coma epidemic. Unfortunately, before this could happen I found that, despite Power Rangers being the most insipid, moronic TV show in the

is not free

What if Hitler had been a really nice dude?

The best Man VS. Mountain movie I've seen
is Scream Of Stone. No Nazis in that movie - just Brad Dourif shitting on the competition from a great great height.