Mr Thingy

Winter's Bone
Looks fucking awesome.


spam spam spam spam spam spam spam SPAMITTY-SPAAAAM SPAMITY-SPAAAAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM…..

Both are brilliant films - especially The New World, which is more than just a film - it's a new way of seeing the world.

The original radio series of The Mighty Boosh is pure joy and far out-classes the hit-and0miss TV adaptation.

DUNE is awesome. My Dad showed it me on my 12th birthday and it was the first Lynch film I ever saw and almost anything with Brad Dourif in is bound to be awesome (except Lord of the Rings II).

My cause (for the last 10 years and counting): Hook
Flawed, yes, but awful? NO!

Joe Johnston, If you're reading this
Then please give us Dinosaurs with bazookas! Don't act like you never thought of it. Everyone who knows the meaning of the word AWESOME has thought of it before, so why doesn't someone just fucking do it??!

then Blade should have killed the super-vampires with onions and klobasa

Prague USED to be the Vancouver of Europe but now the cheapest place to go is Bucharest. Let's see now how those damned Romanians like exploding cars at 6 in the morning!

Exploding cars and ADs with loud-speakers woke my girlfriend up at 6a.m.
and kept her confined to her flat while they finished shooting part of the Paris chase scene in Prague. Yes Prague (apparently it looks just like Paris).


the only thing that could distract my attention from flying cows in 3D is dinosaurs with bazookas

I am wondering what those 12' blue boys are packing…
… because there's not a bulge in sight beneath all those conveniently static loin clothes.

Agreed, "Unobtainium" is a dumb name for anything (except Cliff Richard's sperm)
but does anyone rip on Star Wars because Yoda talks like drunk special-ed kid?

If you're going to run the risk of being disappointed by a movie this Christmas then you might as well get 3 hours of disappointment for your money. In Austria they showed it with an interval, so you can even go take a piss without missing any of the disappointment. As far as I'm concerned it was well worth Euros I

In many ways Grace Zabriskie is like a female Kinski - only Lynch never promised to shoot her if she didn't finish the film (then again, normal bullets wouldn't work on Zabriskie - she'd just scream them out of the air).

Another one of herzog's dream visions
is worth the price of a theatre ticket. Apparently Herzog has been batting this idea about a guy holding flamingos hostage for years after a dream he had (Brad Dourif mentioned in an interview, funny how Brad Dourif is as creepy off-set as he is on-set). When directors like Herzog

Because while shooting the exploding car/gymnastics orgy that you can see at the end of the trailer, director Stephen Sommers and his goons woke-up my girlfriend at 6am, along with everyone else on the same fucking street by screaming QUIET ON SET! through a megaphone before setting off deafening explosion after

I know where I'm going
I'm going to go out once in a while and get a fucking doughnut. If only Shayamalan had listened to Jonny Depp's sage advice then perhaps hapless cinema-goers all over the world might have been spared from The Happening. Still, life goes on and so do doughnuts.