Loser User

I can't decide which was funnier about the comments Sheldon made when roasting Howard: The fact that they were cruel but told in a rather innocent tone, or the fact that for the most part the others weren't laughing (I think I saw some of them chuckling a bit eventually but can't remember).

It seems ridiculous, even by Sheldon standards, for Sheldon to be mad that Wil Wheaten is friends with him and someone else (in this case Howard). Has he ever been bothered by, say, Leonard being friends with him, Howard, and Raj?

I had recently realised that while Barney was shown wearing a duckie tie in that flash-forward to him and Marshall at a casino, there hadn't been such a scene until now. I wonder if they only put the ducky tie there to avoid spoilers regarding the fact that Barney would be allowed to stop wearing the tie early.

I had recently realised that while Barney was shown wearing a duckie tie in that flash-forward to him and Marshall at a casino, there hadn't been such a scene until now. I wonder if they only put the ducky tie there to avoid spoilers regarding the fact that Barney would be allowed to stop wearing the tie early.

It's interesting that the next two episodes will be a two-parter, since this one leads to them. It's also interesting for any sitcom to still have multi-part episodes, considering many of todays shows (including this one) rarely have self-contained stories.

Actually, I think all my favorite lines in this episode were quoted in this review. Well, besides Homer's line after killing Zombie Flanders ("he was a zombie?"), and Bart's response when Mrs. Krabapple questions him for reading a book intended for pre-schoolers ("Most of it").

I find this episode one of the weakest of the earliest Treehouse of Horror, and I think my least favorite of the ones with framing devices. I really like the Clown without Pity segment, but aside from some funny one-liners most of the rest isn't too good.

I found it odd when Brian said he could handle the girl since she was only one year old. Doesn't he remember when Stewie beat the crap out of him?

I thought the ending with Meg was awkward. The way it was broadcast, I couldn't tell if they deliberately cut to black right before she spoke or if the station accidently cut to commercial too soon (it happens).

Since AV Club started doing these articles I'd say this is the first time I didn't mention a Muppet Labs segment as a favorite segment from the reviewed episodes. The electric shaver sketch, while funny, is also one of the weaker segments.

My favorite bits from these episodes are Groovy People, Ukelelee Lady (surprised that number's not mentioned here), You're the One, Limbo, and Ain't Got That Swing.

I haven't really noticed characters acting out of character here (I don't count Homer giving up his ticket for Lisa as "out of character" given the context), but then again I don't watch this episode often. Not one of my favorites.

I agree with the comment that some of the early Pigs in Space segments are rather one-note, but I also feel the one from the Elton John episode is dull as well. Maybe it's because they are supposed to be bored. Though I do like the punchline of the sketch.

Still, my favorite moments from these episodes include Clair De Lune, Top Hat, and as mentioned above most of Elton John's numbers (with Benny and the Jets being my least favorite of the performances, and Don't Go Breaking My Heart being the ebst).

While three of the last four episodes reviewed are so full of great moments that I couldn't exactly narrow down my list of favorite segments, these two episodes are two of my least favorite epsiodes, though I consider them essential viewing. I like culture but am not too fond of the cultural theme of the Rudolf

I never thougth they'd actually show the context for Ted wearing a dress at the end of that one episode where he kept getting his facts mixed up. I haven't seen that other episode enough times to know whether they just refilmed the end of that other episode or if they filmed this whole scene when that episode was made.

This isn't the episode that reveals Krusty is jewish. It was revealed in the season three episode "Like Father Like Clown".

I feel more season 3 episodes have less weak spots than season 2.

I remember when I first heard of those tapes, I saw them referred to as the rarest Muppet videos out there (though I have seen one of the Sesame Street tapes at a flea market).

Seeing that the writer mentioned the Muppet Madness video, I wonder if the writer has actually seen that one. Last I checked it's not on YouTube and Muppet Wiki does not have a page for it.