
Yeah I just laughed really loud at work.

Yeah I just laughed really loud at work.



In his defense, fuck Joy Behar.

In his defense, fuck Joy Behar.

^ I really hope that was on purpose.

^ I really hope that was on purpose.

A "Reposted Cannibal Corpse Lyrics" account would be pretty entertaining as well.

A "Reposted Cannibal Corpse Lyrics" account would be pretty entertaining as well.

I haven't seen a single episode of "Girls" and I've only heard bits and pieces of the three songs discussed in this article.

I haven't seen a single episode of "Girls" and I've only heard bits and pieces of the three songs discussed in this article.

Rush, you mean like fast-paced rock?

Rush, you mean like fast-paced rock?

With fans like that, no wonder their drummer killed himself…

With fans like that, no wonder their drummer killed himself…

While I don't listen to metal like I did in high school and college, it still sets me off when people say stuff like this to me.

While I don't listen to metal like I did in high school and college, it still sets me off when people say stuff like this to me.

Why do they have different last names?

Why do they have different last names?