
Cool beans.

Cool beans.

As much as we all shit on new Sandler movies here, people still go see them.  So he'll actually probably get some pretty decent exposure out of this.

As much as we all shit on new Sandler movies here, people still go see them.  So he'll actually probably get some pretty decent exposure out of this.

It seems like a good movie to get really drunk (and/or high) and go see with a bunch of people and laugh really obnoxiously loud throughout.

It seems like a good movie to get really drunk (and/or high) and go see with a bunch of people and laugh really obnoxiously loud throughout.

Growing up, I spent many a summer's day out on the lake with my buddy and his dad.  He would only play one record over and over: Jimmy Buffett's "Songs You Know By Heart."

Growing up, I spent many a summer's day out on the lake with my buddy and his dad.  He would only play one record over and over: Jimmy Buffett's "Songs You Know By Heart."

My birthday's in July and last year I was celebrating it with some friends at an Atlanta Braves game and the B-52s played afterwards.  It's amazing how awesome those guys are after you've consumed WAY too much alcohol.

My birthday's in July and last year I was celebrating it with some friends at an Atlanta Braves game and the B-52s played afterwards.  It's amazing how awesome those guys are after you've consumed WAY too much alcohol.

I hope it makes it.  I like Justin Kirk and they haven't given him shit to do these last few seasons of Weeds.

Nah, I think his impression sounds more like the lead singer from Buffalo Springfield.

Nah, I think his impression sounds more like the lead singer from Buffalo Springfield.

Volantis, Mereen, and Qarth = Axis of Evil?

Volantis, Mereen, and Qarth = Axis of Evil?

Only on Magic Mike.

Only on Magic Mike.

I first saw them on Palladia's coverage of some European music festival performing "Gold Gun Girls."  So I haven't really listened to anything before Fantasies.

I first saw them on Palladia's coverage of some European music festival performing "Gold Gun Girls."  So I haven't really listened to anything before Fantasies.

Well that probably explains why I haven't heard of it.