
Stannis's badassery in the Battle of the Blackwater (which was an addition from the books, I believe) won me over.

I could definitely see that.  Especially now that he's freed up from his other HBO commitments.

I could definitely see that.  Especially now that he's freed up from his other HBO commitments.

The one thing I didn't like this season was the lack of Ramsey Snow, which made the sacking of Winterfell really weird.

The one thing I didn't like this season was the lack of Ramsey Snow, which made the sacking of Winterfell really weird.

And I just realized @avclub-bc68599029928a93ff775e686c3be325:disqus just said pretty much the same thing a few comments down.

And I just realized @avclub-bc68599029928a93ff775e686c3be325:disqus just said pretty much the same thing a few comments down.

ASOS will take up seasons 3 and 4.  Then they'll probably combine the plots of AFFC and ADWD and spread that over at least two seasons (though with so much plot that could probably be more like three seasons).  So that puts us to 2018 before they'd need new plot from GRRM.  And if TWOW ends up being 1000 pages, they

ASOS will take up seasons 3 and 4.  Then they'll probably combine the plots of AFFC and ADWD and spread that over at least two seasons (though with so much plot that could probably be more like three seasons).  So that puts us to 2018 before they'd need new plot from GRRM.  And if TWOW ends up being 1000 pages, they

Yeah I was real nervous in that scene as well.  I feel like every encounter they'll have with other people on the road will have me wondering…

Yeah I was real nervous in that scene as well.  I feel like every encounter they'll have with other people on the road will have me wondering…

White Walkers are the scary otherwordly-looking things that killed those guys in the opening scene of the 1st season.  Wights are the re-animated corpses of dead ppl (like the guy Jon set on fire in the first season).

White Walkers are the scary otherwordly-looking things that killed those guys in the opening scene of the 1st season.  Wights are the re-animated corpses of dead ppl (like the guy Jon set on fire in the first season).

@avclub-35e6f4aed98ef0d4a84d1c735d8a6877:disqus There's no way they'll split up the storylines in those seasons.  As someone said above, they'll combine AFFC and ADWD into multiple seasons.  I don't see any other way around it.

@avclub-35e6f4aed98ef0d4a84d1c735d8a6877:disqus There's no way they'll split up the storylines in those seasons.  As someone said above, they'll combine AFFC and ADWD into multiple seasons.  I don't see any other way around it.

I couldn't believe when I found out Liberace was gay.  Women loved him!  I didn't see that one coming.

I couldn't believe when I found out Liberace was gay.  Women loved him!  I didn't see that one coming.

As long as the House of the Undying scene is given proper care in Sunday's finale, I think all will be forgiven on the Dany storyline this season.

As long as the House of the Undying scene is given proper care in Sunday's finale, I think all will be forgiven on the Dany storyline this season.

@Sunspear:disqus I agree with @avclub-db0c35ce2663c0e8c4b3f38642a49748:disqus that AFFC and ADWD will be combined, but I can also see them expanding it further than two seasons.  If ASOS is getting two seasons by itself, do you think they can fit all of the plot from the next two books into two seasons?