
Sports teams I hate:

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I, too, somehow missed that and was really pissed when I didn't see him in EW's list of new characters.  My first thought after every episode this season has been, "Where the fuck is Reek?!"

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I, too, somehow missed that and was really pissed when I didn't see him in EW's list of new characters.  My first thought after every episode this season has been, "Where the fuck is Reek?!"

Is this show worth getting into?  Most of my comedy just wrapped up for the summer so it might be nice to find something new to follow.  I think the first two seasons are on Netflix, right?

Is this show worth getting into?  Most of my comedy just wrapped up for the summer so it might be nice to find something new to follow.  I think the first two seasons are on Netflix, right?

@avclub-eb573591cef285c12701571987b08381:disqus A good bit of newbies (including the reviewer) also seem to think Sansa left with The Hound.

@avclub-eb573591cef285c12701571987b08381:disqus A good bit of newbies (including the reviewer) also seem to think Sansa left with The Hound.

@avclub-5470317571e6488699c5096861915107:disqus Did she use a body double in 300?

@avclub-5470317571e6488699c5096861915107:disqus Did she use a body double in 300?

Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing her AFFC plot played out.  This is a good taste of what she'd look like with power.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing her AFFC plot played out.  This is a good taste of what she'd look like with power.

@avclub-e1b3fa16446b9e167870f5d13062d444:disqus Yeah, the show has made Stannis much more of a badass than the books did.  For all the talk of him not inspiring loyalty in his men, if I'd have seen my king kicking ass and climbing up that ladder I'd have been right behind him.

@avclub-e1b3fa16446b9e167870f5d13062d444:disqus Yeah, the show has made Stannis much more of a badass than the books did.  For all the talk of him not inspiring loyalty in his men, if I'd have seen my king kicking ass and climbing up that ladder I'd have been right behind him.

@avclub-74c585d99078f09ef754419ed0a6150c:disqus  YUP.

@avclub-74c585d99078f09ef754419ed0a6150c:disqus  YUP.

Joan stabs him and Lane throws him out the window.

Joan stabs him and Lane throws him out the window.

It may have been started as a celebration of the Confederacy, but @underscorex:disqus is right, they've really changed the whole light show.

It may have been started as a celebration of the Confederacy, but @underscorex:disqus is right, they've really changed the whole light show.

^ My point exactly.