
@avclub-e77c7b588569860fddcbe6e3d528295d:disqus He does have an afro.

Tony Stark is a liberal elite?

I stabbed you, bro!

I was watching the 2012 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony on HBO this weekend and found it funny that the entire audience boo'ed Axl Rose, even when his name wasn't specifically mentioned.

That one song they made was kind of good.

"The Budweiser Made In America Music Festival" sounds more like something Alan Jackson would headline. 

@avclub-f120cb86da214b4adfeeaa4f152581bd:disqus The Quentyn subplot is useless.  The Young Griff stuff is extremely important, as they're the first invasion army to hit Westeros.

Barristan Selmy is the fucking man.

I had a friend send me this text this morning: "Please tell me mole face burned two random boys and not bran and his brother?!?!"

This may be touched on below (I've glanced through most of the comments and haven't seen anything yet), but the thing that's really frustrating me this season is the lack of Reek.

That movie looked like total shit to me from day 1.  And while I'm not involved in any way and my opinion is pretty much meaningless, I felt a sense of pride at seeing that it totally bombed. 

National Review fired him.  But he wasn't kicked out of the conservative movement.

Great Odin's raven.

It's not that I don't like Zedonius and bkboriler.

Agreed.  The Against Me! version isn't bad, but no one does it better than OCMS.

Yeah, out of this list I'll definitely be seeing Moonrise Kingdom and Prometheus.  And I may end up seeing Piranha 3DD (the first one was actually a lot of fun) and Seeking a Friend for the End of the World.

"And if she had to live it all over again, you know she wouldn't change anything for the world."

I see what you did there.

Explosions ranking:
1. Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever
2. All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone
3. The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place
4. Take Care, Take Care, Take Care
5. How Strange, Innocence
6. The Rescue

"Those Who Tell the Truth…" is my favorite album of there's as well.  But Yasmin the Light is the standout track for me.