
Totally worth seeing.  I've seen them in a smaller venue, a slightly larger venue, and a festival and the show was just as good every time.

They're fantastic.  If you haven't seen them in concert, do so next time you have the chance.  Phenomenal show. 

Say hi to your mother for me.

Dear NBC: You can get rid of everything on your schedule and replace them with failed pilots featuring the stars of years past.

Yeah, that black dress was quite lovely.

I hear you there.  I usually go see all the big blockbusters every summer, but I'm still on the fence on that one.  My only remaining "must sees" this summer are Prometheus and TDKR.

Forget it, he's rolling.

The Hulk should just start showing up in everyone else's films.

Yeah, I caught myself laughing out loud and making other geeky sounds the entire movie.  Seriously, that thing was fantastic.

@avclub-954aef1dd01f3d3bb8e12966116cfdd1:disqus Reminds me of that saying, "If you're young and not liberal you have no
heart, but if you're old and not conservative you have no brain."  Or
something like that.

@avclub-954aef1dd01f3d3bb8e12966116cfdd1:disqus Reminds me of that saying, "If you're young and not liberal you have no heart, but if you're old and not conservative you have no brain."  Or something like that.

I caught footage of them playing "Gold Gun Girls" on Palladia a few months back, which had been my only exposure to them.  I liked that and I like this song as well.  I just may have to look into them some more.

I definitely don't think she's the ideal woman by any stretch of the imagination, but if they want to put her in some skimpy clothing and cast her as some young, slutty, sexy chick, I'm OK with that.  I'd prefer that to seeing her actually try to act.

This can be the official Heavyweights quote section if you'd like.

Observe the silence of the chi.

You hit the nail on the head there: Don't assume every girl is up for it.  You have to feel out the situation.  In my experience, I'm usually the one that's very old-fashioned about everything and only try something different" when the girl brings it up. 

Fair enough.

@JohnTeti:disqus I hope this isn't the end.  I watched most of the first season when it originally aired, but for some reason I kind of forgot about it.  (Come to think of it, if it does get canceled, people like me will be to blame.)

Is it weird if I am really attracted to Callie?

Do people really find her attractive?  I just don't see it.