
They're still all over the internet, so I'm fine with that.

Make that 7,655,414. 

"Emily Blunt and Allison Brie.

I didn't think the ads were all that bad.  It's just the frequency of them that really starts to get annoying.

Counterpoint: No he doesn't.

Did no one else laugh uncontrollably at that picture?

"I'm Writing a Novel" and "Hollywood Forever Cemetary Sings" (check out the video for that one, starring Aubrey Plaza) are my favorites.  I'd give "Nancy from Now On" an honorable mention.

One bite, and then I can have a steak?

So is this random Will Ferrell quotes?  Because your quote is definitely from Old School.

As a center-right guy, I actually don't mind the GOP hate in political shows (The West Wing is one of my all-time favorite shows), but it's nice to get some non-ideological political comedy.  Washington is fucked up and ripe for parody, regardless of party affiliation.

You didn't even mention how fucked up it is that BIG SPOILERS once Cat's dead, he decides to project his feelings for her onto Sansa, who is still about 16 at the time.  Then he sort of makes her into his surrogate daughter, while still obviously sexually attracted to her.

He was smart for figuring it out.  Dumb for telling Cersei.

I believe this episode was the first to mention the fingers, right?

Yeah we're gonna see the Fist next episode, which makes me tremendously happy. 

Yeah, I was a little disappointed we didn't get to see that in this episode.  I don't know what it is, but I really don't like Renly.  In the book, he's disposed of very quickly, but I feel like they're keeping him around too long on the show. 

I loved that scene.  Like @avclub-e632a8b80eb2c9daa3d3154e68a08127:disqus says above, they didn't overdo it at all, but it still felt really trippy. 

Just saw your comment.  Sorry for being somewhat repetitive above, although you went much deeper than I did.

That was definitely one of my favorite Cooper scenes.

@poopieface:disqus That's honestly one of the only reasons to see that movie.

I geeked out when I realized who he was too.