
@avclub-6b8aa777ed70e7f15a45947a0f0c5986:disqus Yeah, the previews for this season built up some big romance plot for Robb and Jeyne, but I didn't realize they were changing her name.  I don't like that.  I'm still pretty pissed off about the *Yara* Greyjoy thing, for some reason.

@mattcurr:disqus Yeah, I was laughing during that battle when you keep hearing him yell, "I yield!  I yield!"

@mike_thoms:disqus Yeah, I don't remember reading anything about him again until ADWD.

I was actually picturing what he'd look like in the ADWD adaptation while watching last night's episode.  I hope they don't tone it down at all.

I had a big smile on my face during that entire scene because I knew they were setting up her "prayer" for the rest of the series.  Another great example of the producers writing dialogue to replace an internal monologue.

@HobbesMkii:disqus One can only hope.

They have to keep the Queen of Thorns.

Or they're aliens.

My grandmother had nothing but the upmost respect for the Jewish community.  She told me to be nice to the Jewish kids or they'd put the sheeny curse on me.

Very well done, Sgt. Angle.

She just doesn't want to be part of your redneck agenda.

That shit is natural, my friend.  Look it up.

I've never seen an episode of Firefly, Buffy, or Dollhouse, but I think this movie looks pretty cool.

The "hanging out in her underwear" description was what finally convinced me to go see this movie, after I google image-d the pic of said girl we'd be seeing in her underwear.

@avclub-ac0cc045737916963285e58df2b820fd:disqus I found a GH3 version of the DM online, which I put in my iTunes in place of the album version. 

@avclub-ce76f75953c25ab32c5ad6b9980803c2:disqus Yeah, I go back and forth on the two.  You can really look at it as one big album, which it essentially is (Re-Load is mostly left-over songs from the Load recording sessions). 

I only watch New Girl out of that lineup.

Death Magnetic really isn't that great of an album, but it's Metallica trying to play metal for the first time since The Black Album, so that gives it some sympathy points in my book.

Megadeth is still putting out quality albums.  80's Metallica will always be the best, but Megadeth has dominated them since 2000.

@avclub-e28fbf78474e81cf5246e15a4097f6ba:disqus Obligatory ranking of Metallica's albums by a big fan: