
No, you're not alone on this one.  As a bunch of people have said above, this was one of the show's funnier episodes and definitely deserves better than a B-.

Did you picture it with raccoon hands?

My roommate and I were cracking up the entire episode.  Needless to say, I was surprised to see a B-.

Why do you always start talking like a Native American when you're upset?

Remember when they did a cover of that song?

Come on guys, you gotta have "Faith."

I am not ashamed of my love for this song or "Cold Hard Bitch."  In fact, I find "Rollover DJ" to be a catchy song as well.  Like this article says, they're not trying to reinvent the wheel here.  They're just playing some rock and roll.  Not everything has to be original.

@facebook-922794:disqus I thought it was in danger of "diving off a cliff" for a while, but I thought the presidential campaign of the last two seasons really injected some much needed life into the show.

Oh, and let's not forget that three-episode arc where they singlehandedly negotiate a peace process between Palestine and Israel.

@avclub-adb4c903674d579c1a43dbf3ae93f077:disqus I'm not completely disagreeing with you here, but I do think you're wrong that the show wasn't ideological.

I'm actually on the other end of the political spectrum as most of the characters on that show.  I just really enjoyed watching the political process in action, regardless of the fact that it was an idealistic, watered down version of reality. 

@avclub-fff4ac4c2f46e5cd75ec8b515c235031:disqus Even her own mother finally figured out what a horrible, horrible person Karen is.

Yeah, Jody's definitely grown on me too.  I loved his exchange with Lip about "dodging a fucking RPG."

I've been searching for it, but it appears NBC Universal has shut down every link.  Bastards.

So you guys are all saying I should watch the pilot and nothing else?

Oh, snap!


Where's @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus  when you need him?


From the preview, it's apparent that he's not open about his party affiliations.  And the central conflict appears to be his fear of losing his show because of his outburst.