
I'm actually right-of-center and I love Sorkin. 

Is Studio 60 worth checking out?  I feel like I should at least be a Sorkin completist. 

Damn you, George R.R. Martin, for the mainstreaming of incest!

Best.  Skit.  Ever.

Seriously, HBO is singlehandedly filling the void of good political tv shows left behind by The West Wing. 

Well my apologies, Ser O'Neil, of house Snark.

When are y'all gonna post the trailer for The Newsroom that aired last night before Game of Thrones?

@avclub-b5995e81c98938b8d9911ab09abdeaf7:disqus Yeah, I actually didn't hate AFFC.  It humanizes Jaime and sets up some new power players in the series, with more descriptions of the Greyjoys and Martells.

"But then you get to that one scene where Jaime throws Bran out of the window and you're hooked for life."



I plan on re-reading the series after season 2 of the show. I will definitely be looking for more of these little details.  Some things you skim over the first time end up being a big deal later on.  It'll be interesting looking for the beginning of plot points that will develop later on, as well as grasping more of

Yeah, I don't see him being successful.  But he may end up paving the way for Dany to take Westeros. 

I'm still holding out hope on Syrio as well.  I want to see some Syrio, Jaquen, and Arya badassery in the last two books.  That would be a hell of a team.

I'm in the same situation as Genevieve.  I knew nothing about the books until I watched the first season of Game of Thrones.  In fact, I don't think I even realized the show was based on a series of books until after I watched the series preimere. 
After season 1 ended, I went out and bought all the books and read

@skywise:disqus I have a feeling Aegon will crash and burn.  He seems too naive/idealistic to be successful in Martin's world.

Yeah, I imagine it'll be set up sort of like the end of last season.  Battle of the Blackwater in episode 9 (which Weiss and co. have already confirmed) and then episode 10 will mainly focus on setting up future storylines.  With one big cliffhanger at the very end.  Gotta get people excited for season 3.

@avclub-df1e0236446701781694ff3350b618ec:disqus It'll be interesting to see how they split up ASOS.  While a lot happens in the book, I seem to remember all the big shit going down in the last 100 pages or so.  MAJOR SPOILERS: (The Red Wedding, attack on the Wall and rescue by Stannis, Littlefinger throwing Lysa out

@avclub-df1e0236446701781694ff3350b618ec:disqus Maybe I'm in the minority here, but Robb was one of the characters I wish we could have seen more of in the book.  Once Ned died, I really wanted Robb to be the next main Stark and potentially win the throne.  So his death was really rough for me.  But then it just made

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus The Red Wedding has to be the worst thing in the entire series.  Anything Ramsey does to Theon (or anyone else he's captured, for that matter) has to be second.