
@avclub-a9dbf6c70f867fb5d09900f7bab79c25:disqus I completely agree.  I never thought in a million years that I'd root for Jamie, but by the end of AFFC he's one of my favorite characters.

Fuck Keith Olbermann.  Add Current TV to ESPN, Fox News, and MSNBC as networks that can't fucking stand that total piece of shit.

@avclub-9d512e28838bd0483c473d80a285d4e8:disqus WhoreWOMANship.  It's the 90's now.  Keep up.

Yeah, bummed next week is the finale.  But I'm only a fairly recent weekly viewer, so I'll be searching online for older episodes I haven't seen yet to hold me over for season 3.

Veronica Corningstone and I had sex!  And now we are in love!

God, I should have seen that coming!

I'm gonna be honest, that smells like pure gasoline.

That's not a good start, but go on.

Yes…go on.

Not too excited about this.  I'm a big Jack Ryan fan, but they did that backstory confusingly set in present day crap with The Sum of All Fears as well.  And that movie sucked.

Seriously.  My God.

That's how they're changing up the formua.  Galiafinakis, Cooper, and Helms will sit on the sidelines while Bartha tries to figure out what he did the night before. 
Hilarity ensues. 

Surprised he hasn't made a cameo yet, honestly.

Is that a bad thing?

I'm 5'11, 180 and I'm pretty thin.  6'4, 180 is a stick…

Mine was Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design.  I'm pretty sure I had marathoned through every episode by the time the next one aired.  Been championing this show to everyone I know ever since.

That is the correct answer when it comes to current balls out crazy violent movies. 

Does that mean NBC will have room on their Thursday night schedule for Community, Parks and Rec, and 30 Rock all on on the same nights?!

Yeah, those old people calling in was the best part.

Maybe I just have a really dark sense of humor or something, but I don't remember laughing as hard at a South Park episode as I did in those last few minutes of the old people calling in convincing that guy to kill himself.