
I'm more and more convinced that these guys aren't serious.  It's some big elaborate joke they're pulling on everyone. 

I'm more and more convinced that these guys aren't serious.  It's some big elaborate joke they're pulling on everyone. 

Very pro-beagle here, but interested in going the mutt route as well.  A beagle/boxer/pit sounds pretty badass.  I'll have to do some research.

My roommate and I marathoned through the first season of Game of Thrones (he had never seen it before).

I heard he's gonna write it AND make his directorial debut.

I enjoyed it.  I found the Democratic primary stuff way more interesting than the Palin stuff, mainly because the Palin stuff was a little more well-known.

I took a high school girlfriend on a date to see United 93 once.  A first date.


Get on Netflix and stream Season 2.  If you're not hooked, you have no soul. 

I really wanted to give it a chance.  But the second episode was about birds.  Fucking birds.

@avclub-63cdcaf145863d57408d00bafbe9eee9:disqus They're interchangeable. 

Embarrassingly, that's how I first heard about Phoenix.

I am proud to say I have not heard a single song on this list.  Go me.

That brunette on Sex and the City was pretty cute.  You know, the one that was in that movie with that guy from Wedding Crashers?   Not the guy with the big nose, the tall, chubby one.

I drank Friday night, moved Saturday, drank Saturday night, slept in a bit on yesterday, then watched a few things last night.  My new roommate and I watched Funny People (he had never seen it).  I decided to watch the Unrated Director's Cut, which turned an already overlong movie into a 3 hr plus movie that I barely

I, for one, feel pretty bad for Jody.

Just for a few weeks.  It'll be back April 19th.

I am in a fantastic mood now.  God bless us, every one! 

Couldn't disagree more.  It's as if they took all the parts I didn't enjoy on their first album and created this album around them. 

Yeah, he gets respect from both sides of the aisle as well.  Just seems like a really good guy, regardless of political affiliation.