
Favorite Floyd album. 

I blew through BSG for a while on the recommendation of a few friends, but for some reason I stopped watching about 3 episodes into the final season.  This post has reminded me to go back and finish up, though I may need to do some reading to remind myself what all is going on. 

I also was inspired to read through A Song of Ice and Fire due to my love for Game of Thrones.  I’m currently about 150 pages into A Dance With Dragons and am completely hooked.  Amazing stuff.  I hate Ramsay Snow and the Freys more than any other characters I’ve ever encountered in fiction before.
Also, I decided to

Neckbeard the Philatelist  You are wrong, sir.  Completely and utterly wrong.

I think he's sincere in his faith.  And I think he really is a great guy.  My main problem with him comes from how much attention he's gotten his entire career (look no further than this post).  While I realize it's not his fault that sportcasters won't shut up about him, it still pisses me off.  That and the fact

I actually think the sketch touched on that somewhat with the line about Jesus only helping out in the 4th quarter.  “Did you watch the first half?” 

All dogs go to heaven.  Cats, on the other hand, go straight to hell. 

I think Tebow and Vince Young fought pretty hard for the “dumbest QB in the league award.”  But after a long, bloody competition, Young won. 

I respect the guy.  But as a Georgia fan, I’m tired of having to listen to sportscasters fall all over themselves over him for the last 5 years. 

I’m a Christian and I thought this sketch was hilarious.  Of course I really, really, really don’t like Tim Tebow. 

Yeah it’s some Gotham team, but they used the Steelers for filming. 

Most badass player in the league.  Fixed.

I’m a big fan of Granmda’s Boy.  Me and my friends usually watch it as a “late night, we’re all pretty drunk” movie.  But The Goods was horrible.

Can’t wait.
While the special effects at the football sequence were less than ideal, it was still pretty badass to see Hines Ward running away from explosions in a Batman trailer.

Or was I pushed?!

I loathe that type of music, but there’s something about that song that I find immensely enjoyable.  Maybe it’s the “28 Days Later” type music video.  Either way, catchy stuff.  But it definitely stands out on my iTunes. 

I disagree (with the paper bag part). 

So apparently if you’re not a pop or hip-hop artist you’re not eligible for any MTV recognition. 

If a Cougar is an older woman attracted to younger men, then what do you call on older man attracted to younger men?