
"Red Sleigh Down" was pretty great.

The Woodland Critter Christmas episode and Christmas Vacation are both on my must watch list every Christmas.  My dad and I usually watch Die Hard, too.

I've always found Erin very attractive, but felt dirty when the writers kept giving her the personality of a naive little girl.  I guess what I'm saying is that getting her drunk and mean made it OK for me to lust after her.

That shot also featured Jim holding a drink, which was a callback to earlier when he says he gets "pranky" when he drinks.  I thought it was pretty well-done by the writers.

Should there have been a "not" in that sentence?  I don't want to assume I know what you think about the show, but that sentence doesn't make a lot of since without it.

More importantly, why the hell would you run for President if you knew there were previous accusations made against you AND you were carrying on a 13-year affair?

I thought Dwight using Jim's credit card # to send Pam flowers was very well done.  Sometimes Dwight veers of into too over-the-top-territory, so I like when the writers give him some evil genius moves.

Parks and Rec has been better overall this season, but I actually enjoyed Community more tonight.  Though that last scene with Jean-Ralphio almost singlehandedly won the night for Parks and Rec.

What are regionals?!

Again, I won't have that privilege.  Because apparently Georgia hates Batman or something.

I honestly plan on checking it out, even after discovering to my horror that the opening scene of The Dark Knight Rises will apparently NOT be shown in either of Georgia’s IMAXs…

Did Bateman ever really kill anyone, though?

That’s what we have to look forward to in Part 3!

It views Communism AND Christianity as the enemy, in that they both ask you to put the needs of others above yourself.
Or something like that.
Also, if your wife is annoying it’s OK to cheat on her.

Trailers for the new M:I don't look too bad.

Alec Baldwin is an asshole narcissist.  But God, that man can act!

I am "Well-Liked Assman."

They shoot the show in Charlotte.  A friend of mine lives there and says she's seen them shoot a few scenes. 

I'm with this guy.  I'm not emotionally invested in the characters like I am with Parks and Recreation and I don't look forwared to what unique style they may go with like I do on Community (also, the emotionally invested in the characters thing), but I laugh very frequently at New Girl.  And that's saying a lot. 

Zooey Deschanel's breasts?