
Yeah, that's getting pretty annoying.  Trump, Bachmann, Perry, Cain, and now Newt.

The topic is "People Who Annoy You."

Of course Dave Mustaine has turned into a pretty big right-winger in his old age.

I don't see an R rating really hurting ticket sales.  People will see this movie.  Kids WILL see this movie.

I like the idea of taking this a la carte model to the extreme.  Just let me pick the 20 or so channels that I actually watch.  $2-3 per channel, with HBO and Showtime as $10 a piece. 

I'm about 3/4 through book 3 and absolutely loving it.  Even though bad things keep happening to my favorite characters.  Damn you Georgia R. R. Martin for making me emotionally invested in characters and then quickly dispatching them without warning.  You evil, evil genius. 

Haven't been a big fan of a lot of his stuff outside of the wonderful "Freaks and Geeks" single. 

Nice one, brah.

Didn't he fuck Nancy on Weeds back when it was still good?

Ellen Wong > Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

"You can do it!" = employment for life.

We'll just end up having to watch it on the 101.  Then repeats on NBC in a shitty time slot.

It ends with a Betty Draper fart.  After she is run over by a car.

I used to post on Rotten Tomatoes a lot.  Then I moved jobs to one where I couldn't be on the internet all the time.

Where has ZMF been?  Haven't seen him post on here in a while.

I'd do Lohan (with protection).  Love…?  Not so much.

I noticed Mickey from Rescue Me playing the corrupt cop part and noticed that the song playing was a remix of A Perfect Circle's "The Oustider."  Otherwise it was just Statham punching people.

All I read there was blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and The Hobbit. 

Our blacks are better than their blacks (according to Ann Coulter).

A guilty pleasure of mine.  This album is a big step up for Love: Part 1, IMO.