
"The kind of grizzled, sinewy onslaught Metallica ought to be making today."

Lake Bell's cleavage.

::Puts together a Harrow outfit::

Isn't the point that the woods were "haunted" and that, although they had attempted to head directly south all day, they ended up actually going in circles?

I need to watch the new Blu-Ray reissue with some surround sound action.  Maybe it'll scare me like it did when my parents took me to see it in the theatre.  That was some scary shit.

I may get some flack for this, but one of the scariest scenes that comes to mind for me is in The Myst, when they go to the pharmacy and get attacked by all the spiders.  Sure the CGI isn't that great, but there's just something completely terrifying about all those spiders coming out of seemingly everywhere,

"Didn't you wear that last year?"
"This is my Halloween costume."

You'll have to forive my friend.  He's a little slow.  The town is THAT way.

You're in luck!  There's a town that way!

I'd hit it.

I just thought he was quiet…

All I can think about right now is that SNL sketch where he's on some T.V. show and they keep showing that same scene with him shitting over and over. 

ID4: 2?

He ceased to be in the first one.

If you followed SEC football as a fan of any other team than Florida, then you would already completely hate this guy.  Every Florida game you hear about how "amazing" that guy was.  Like non-stop 3 1/2 hours worth of Tebow hummers.

"So get on your knees and put your heart to work!"

Fuck Tim Tebow, fuck him up his stupid ass.

I enjoyed the first season of Ugly Americans, but haven't really tried to watch the 2nd season. 

Never seen an episode, but I have a few friends who claim it's pretty good, and I tend to agree with them when it comes to comedy.