
There's a lot to be said for that.

The whole scene where the cops call Chris in front of the whole party had me laughing out loud.  Will Arnett is absolutely hilarious in those situations.

I'm 24 years old and I have no idea who Warpaint is.

God's favorite city.

2 Broke Girls was shit.  Didn't laugh once.

Also, College Football all day on Saturdays if I'm not in Athens, GA drinking heavily.

Depends on the day.  Thursday and Sunday nights this fall will probably be spent in front of the TV.

Blue Valentine was phenomenal.

Whoever is in charge of the marketing strategy for this movie is earning their money.

I like both of them.

"I hope he destroys Nancy."

I watched it yesterday.  I'll give it a shot.  Though it'll be weird to see one of the leads already replaced.  As much as the Wayans get on my nerves, I liked Coach and his "Stop it, stop it!" every time she started crying.

One of the creators of the show is an ex-Party Down guy.

Will Arnett.

No idea why they would mess with this movie.  Classic.

Air Force One. 

That being said, Vince marrying Sofia after stalking her and then dating her for 24 hours was pretty fucking stupid. 

Melissa!  They finally told us!  Melissa!

Season 3 was pretty good, too.

"Michael J. Fox?  He'll be more like Michael J. Fucked Up if I go up there."