
Favorite bit of dialogue:

Not to mention the fact that screaming "NOOOOO!!!" makes absolutely no sense in that context.

Jennifer Lawrence is an attractive lady.

I do love me some redheads.  Never heard of this girl before, but now I'll add her to my hot redhead list that also includes Amy Adams and Isla Fisher.

It looks CGI'd as fuck.  I remember watching the commerical and thinking, "This looks like a video game."

Is this bushbasher as in "I hate the former president" or bushbasher as in "I bash mad bushes, yo"?

Lucas better leave Darfur alone.

He happened to have married that wooden doll!

List of people looking for work MTV could have gone with instead:

If only you had some option to edit your post.

That picture made me laugh out loud.  And people in my office stared at me.

I prefer when he randomly shows up on something.  Like his arc on The West Wing.  Or Curb Your Enthusiasm.

No doubt E gets back together with Sloan,
but I thought last night's episode really moved toward the idea of Ari ending up with Dana.

I'm just gonna add to the chorus here and agree that Conan being up against The Daily Show really hurts him.

Is Danson gonna continue with this show now that he's the new somewhat-celebrity-star-for-the-next-few-seasons on CSI?

Goldmember wasn't very funny.

Yeah I believe she left when Lou called her a "twat."

I believe he left that job.

I'm with you, El Santo.

I'd like to see this show reviewed
by someone more objective.