
Die Hard = best Christmas movie EVER!

Great interview.
I think you guys should interview the entire West Wing cast.

I've been a fan since Ascendancy.
But nothing they've done since has really come close to that album.

I love Emma Stone.
I've had a crush on her since Superbad.

I'd say I'm in the same boat as you, Ambiguity.

"Makin' movies, makin' songs, fightin' 'round the world!"

He's not a gay fish.

It won't be Bachmann. Or Santorum. Or Cain. Or Newt.

My only complaint is the glasses.
Seriously, please don't tell me that's part of her costume.

Not sure which trailer this is (I'm getting an error), but
I watched the redband trailer on youtube and actually laughed out loud a few times.

Jonah Hill and Emma Stone in "Superbad."
Maybe it would make sense if she was actually shitfaced and he took advantage of her.

10 internet points for that.

The first season that really disappointed me was this last one.

I second the Ryan Reynolds in "Smoking Aces" love.

I'm with you 100%, Marc.


What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball?
Juan on Juan.

Did y'all review Darkest Hour's "The Human Romance"?
Still my favorite metal album of 2011.

If not for SEC Saturdays, AFC Sundays, and March Madness, I would never watch CBS.

Are we too cool for Shark Week now?