
I seriously just read the chapter that introduced her last night.
Now I have a face with a name.

What sucks is that this will probably break their viewership record..
I cannot stand this fucking show, yet I am somewhat intrigued and will probably tune in to the premiere.

I went Wednesday night in Atlanta (though mostly for Band of Horses). They were actually pretty good. Played a lot of old stuff.

Nothing worse than "modern rock."

Mexican Ocean's Eleven. They try and break into the U.S.

Yeah, I just love it when surprise guests show up in promos…

I'm a little surprised at the low opinions people on this site have of Jenna Fischer.
Sure, she's not drop dead gorgeous, but she's extremely attractive.

I see Jason Segel, Ed Helms, or Seth Rogan. It'll have to be someone pretty well-known if they want to re-launch a franchise.

I agree that the later seasons have been very weak compared to the beginning. But I'm invested enough in the characters that I look forward to each new episode on a deeper level than "I might as well see how this all ends."

I get it.
All of the AV Club staff (and apparently most of the readers) hate this show.

11. Furry walls.

You don't want none of this shit, Dewey!

I love Yacht Rock Revue.

I've been waiting for TWBA ever since Part 2 hit the theatres.

Can't wait.
Going to the midnight premiere already.

It's his best album since The Eminem Show.

Is it true that there is a point on a man's head where if you shoot it, it will blow up?

Pretty good cast.
I'm looking forward to this show.

To paraphrase Michael Scott, I meant it in the "not good at sports" way.

Very excited about Season 2.
I'm actually surprised that people found the first season boring. I like non-stop action as much as the next guy, but this show had me really focusing and looking into each character's motivations and alliegances.