Famous Genitals


Jus d'orange!

Same here. I always thought it was either "This life's for me" or "This existence for me" depending on how literally it was translated.

Also, Hedge maze > Living topiary animals.

She changed it! She changed it from Kenner to Metairie! Shenanigans! Gillette is trying to make me look like a fool!

Good concept but poorly executed. But thats just me. I guess I never understood the cult that developed around that movie.

If he gets angry enough he can cause breast milk to curdle.

Also, a major part of a deputy's job on that force is making sure African-American men know they aren't necessarily welcome in Metairie. So that clip up there? Not surprising at all.

Jefferson Parish Sherrif's Dept. doesn't patrol the streets of Kenner. The Kenner Police Dept. does that. JPSD patrols places like Metairie which are populated by rich white folks and Ronnie Dobbs types. Basically nothing happens there so forgive me if I'm not impressed by this pudgy karate-man's

Crap. I should read the article before I go posting. But still, its my favorite line.

I agree. Fuck Highlander.

Oh, I wouldn't call a second of that movie a waste. Any time spent with Ash and a boomstick is quality time.

Your primitive intellect wouldn't understand alloys and compositions and things with… molecular structures.

The message is this: Keep your head down and do what you're told and eventually you will reap untold riches.

We're eating. Grab a bucket.

I don't think Foer is wrong. I just think he isn't saying anything new and he comes across as a holier-than-thou asshole when he says it.

He's looking at his hands, wondering why the blood won't wash off.

MalachiConstant brings up a good point. If you don't have kids you decrease your carbon footprint exponentially. Thats generations of consumers you aren't spawning.

Dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way.

I think the point is the average slob shopping at Wal-Mart isn't going to give a shit one way or the other. Thats assuming this book even registers on that slob's radar.