
I'd say Colbert > Stewart since that White House Correspondents dinner where he annihilated W and the coastal media elites RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FUCKING FACES.  Stewart also has a really annoying "there are extremists on both sides!"/false dichotomy habit.

Tonight was great, but I think Doomsday/Dumb Design would be the only episode from the new batch I'd put on a "Best of B&B" compilation.

Agreed.  Wonderful stuff.

I've been panning Emily's weak reviews all season, and then she gives this episode, one of the weaker of the season, a B+.  Eh…

This is why you shouldn't watch promos.

It's reminiscent of the Christmas special where they would read letters from fans.  "Dear Santa Butt-head…"

I've long been saying that the best move that the show can make is to kill off a historical figure. 

Really hoping this doesn't happen.  It was my first reaction when I saw them pitching the heroin dealing to him.  The last thing this show needs is to force that gimmick.

Him hiding the wine glass was your first sign that he was secretly a greedy phoney.  You can talk about the cliche of dead gay characters all you want, but "Crooked Catholic Priest" takes the cake for overused cliches in this episode.  I half-expected Eddie Furlong to walk into the scene with a box of

I heard "cunt."

Agreed, @blooptaabi. I've bitched and moaned about the gratuitous nudity and lazy objectification of women on this show all season, but this murder scene didn't seem nearly as bad as what's come before it.

Not sure what show Noel's been watching.  This show was terrible for the first six or seven episodes of the season, but has really found a stride during these past few.  I also just flat-out think Margaret is an awful character, though, so I don't really mind seeing her act like a superstitious loon, since I don't

I thought this one was heavy on the laughs and has something that never gets old to me—Cartman leaving the "L" off of the end of words.

Review is horrible, but it's kind of to be expected—for some reason, McGee gives a shit about continuity on FUCKING SOUTH PARK, so he was bound to be disappointed when, instead of dealing with too much of that completely non-South Parkian horseshit, they just cranked out the funniest episode in ages. 

I think it will be up and down, but probably worth the extra five years.

Great episode, though, nothing really bad to say.  This has been the best season in years.  Even the sub-par, celebrity-focused episodes were at least tolerable.  And best yet, they stayed away from that type of thing.


@facebook-100002137270096:disqus , I was high on the cast in the first season and watched on through.  Nucky was always a weak link, and Margaret and Jimmy started strong and fizzled.  But by then, I'd already invested 15 hours into the show and I liked some of the pacing and the B-characters, so it seems worth

I agree with everything you just said.

Finally caught up on this show.  Thought tonight's episode was probably the best of the series until…that laughable, horribly edited sex scene that just killed it.  That was Conan-esque fucking horrible and silly.  It seems this show is incapable of a top-to-bottom episode.  But yeah, the other stuff was great.