Agreed. I'm excited to see the show back on top of its game.
Agreed. I'm excited to see the show back on top of its game.
I think it was outdone by the rum ham on Sunny. But that was probably my favorite scene, when Chang threw the ham.
I was with you until that last line. Much better than the season premiere. But otherwise, yes, you're right.
Agreed. I used to visit my family up in Philly every summer and we'd go to the Shore. Filthy fucking place, and my most vivid memory is having my balls assaulted by jellyfish when I was about six years old. I didn't get back into the ocean until I was about 20.
I'll give it to Community if it turns out that the ham Chang threw was rum ham. Otherwise, Sunny wins.
Yeah, that was the filthiest thing I've ever seen on basic cable. I have no idea how Emily just shrugged that off.
This was far superior to last week's episode, and I'm having trouble remembering anything from last season that was this good. The complaints here—about the perfectly executed montage, for instance—seem ridiculous. I was worried that the Jersey Shore thing would be played for an easy target, as well, but they went…
Yeah, "Sick of Myself" was on MTV every half hour for a while there in the mid-90s. 100% Fun was about as big as that kind of smart, poppy alt music got at the time.
I was turned on to Sloan in the mid 90's via MUCH on DirecTV as a teenager down in Louisiana. That whole slew of Halifax Pop Explosion bands—Thrush Hermit, Jale, Inbreds, Hardship Post, etc.— deserved more attention Stateside than they ever got. Good to see Noel mentioning them here.
Forgot about the Tommy Bahama gag, that might have been my favorite.
Looking at that list, there's still some duds. The wrestling episode was kind of a disappointment, which sucked b/c that seemed like surefire subject matter and even featured Roddy Piper. Most ppl disagree, but "Mac and Charlie Write a Movie" was where I think I finally admitted that the show was falling off. The…
"Slightly disappointing" is right. The show at its worst isn't anywhere near as bad as imitators like "Workaholics," but it doesn't seem able to recapture the glory of the first three or four seasons. It's still the best 30-minute show on TV.
Agreed. I'd give this a solid C. The vomit thing was great, and I smirked a few times, but this wasn't anything I'll remember in a few months.
Will it have to drag out, though? It's pretty obvious that Walt is going to "disappear" at some point.
That was the dude from the Pine Leaf Boys, who are actually pretty badass.
Dumpster Dive
is the strongest track on the album. All of the scummy comedic grit that polished GBNE, with an addictive chorus and sing-songy lyrics.
Shit Yes, Best Episode in Years
When I post on the South Park reviews, I usually talk about how shitty the show has become and I get a bunch of, "WELL WHY DON'T YOU QUIT WATCHING!" horseshit. Anyway, this episode is why I don't quit watching. Pure gold from start to finish. The celebrity and pop culture references…
Pairesta—This season takes place in '08. If anything, the MySpace references were a little dated.
When did Leprechaun
join The Smashing Pumpkins?
Gloria's blatant boobs will always be welcome on my television.