
I've got to say, I first remember William H, Macy in Fargo.  He played such a sleazy, slimy, whining slimeball so well that I could not stand to watch him in anything else.  Until he appeared in Sports Night.  Completely changed my perspective on him and now he's one of my favorite actors.

I know what you mean - I like the show, too.  Unfortunately, nowadays, no one seems to want to give a show a chance to grow.  Some of the best TV shows were only okay during their first season - it took a while for the writers and characters to gel.  I, personally, thought this episode was a step in the right

I know what you mean - I like the show, too.  Unfortunately, nowadays, no one seems to want to give a show a chance to grow.  Some of the best TV shows were only okay during their first season - it took a while for the writers and characters to gel.  I, personally, thought this episode was a step in the right