
I did not know that!

I never understood that as well. But perhaps it's as you say, he simply can't die.

Weren't they bough out in the 1980s?

I've read all of these comments, and I have to see I'm surprised at the ire directed at the series. To cut off contact with so many people that Simmons had daily and weekly contact with—for years—without the courtesy of a simple publicist's statement: that's abusive behavior. Is Taberski's gesture any different than

I'm thinking this will be the return of Chekhov's "lost soul" plotline.

Thanks all. Another reader put off by how slight The Sense of An Ending seemed (and I had problems with the way the "special" characters were portrayed).

The slow build to Reynard added so much to that climactic event; in the show it just happens without much fanfare.

Basquiat Basquiat Basquiat!

way moreier …

Just finished that, and did not care for it as much as Sisters; just kind of peters out at the end.

Messiaen scholar here – I will pay good money for anyone who can tell me why Coppola, Schwartzman and company decided to feature Messiaen here. Considering the short tenure of his time as prisoner, and the very long shadow his music and pedagogy casts over the 20th c., I am really curious if we are supposed to read

Leesa don't get me started. And when you have music (as here) by a woman composer, it's always MIssy f'g Mazzoli, the "It" girl of new music (as if there aren't hundreds of others out there ….what was with the neo-classical faus Stravinsky???)

My best guess is that the show will continue to answer the small mysteries while keeping that background one in play.

It's only "boing" if you aren't paying attention. So much going on in the margins!

Kido gets more intriguing each episode.

This short summary seems to suggest that Todd didn't get it at all; I am finding far more subtlety in this season than in, say, Westworld, and I don't know why there isn't more discussion of it. There is a lot more going on than fascist imagery = alt right.

I agree completely regarding Joe as a character (the jury's still out on Kleintank's ability to sell it). Don't forget that the MitHC said that most people act differently in different realities, suggesting that the show's ethics square more on the side of nurture, rather than nature (as they should, in a show calling

Completely agree, and my non-musician partner loves it as well.

I do not understand why so many of my musician friends whine about the fantasy-nature of this show; do you think EMTs, lawyers, and police officers loose sleep over their portrayal? I revel in the fact that we are finally shown on screen, and that there is an attempt—however flawed—to indicate what it's like to live a

Yeah, the worst part of this season is the diva stereotype; of course they exist, but those with Alessandra-style temperaments flame out (we can all think of examples, I'm sure). And Hailey begin thrust in front of the orchestra was painful but, yes, the outcome was very realistic!