Quote Unquote Sir

Yeah, what a ridiculous idea for an article. I can't believe it was actually written like it was meant to be taken seriously.

Yeah, what a ridiculous idea for an article. I can't believe it was actually written like it was meant to be taken seriously.

Haha, great choice. When I saw the list, I couldn't immediately think of any egregious exclusions (like I usually do with these lists), but yeah, "American Psycho" is a no-brainer.

Haha, great choice. When I saw the list, I couldn't immediately think of any egregious exclusions (like I usually do with these lists), but yeah, "American Psycho" is a no-brainer.

"I see a man and a woman."

"I see a man and a woman."

"Life is Beautiful" is an interesting choice. I watched it for the first time in 2010, and after hearing only good things about it for many years, found it frustrating and disappointing. I have a different take on it than Todd, though.

"Life is Beautiful" is an interesting choice. I watched it for the first time in 2010, and after hearing only good things about it for many years, found it frustrating and disappointing. I have a different take on it than Todd, though.

I'm so glad that clip from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is up there. The way Taber taunts Harding by poking and commanding, "play the game!' over and over again is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I do it whenever I'm impatient with someone and I want them to do something. I don't care if it's annoying

I'm so glad that clip from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is up there. The way Taber taunts Harding by poking and commanding, "play the game!' over and over again is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I do it whenever I'm impatient with someone and I want them to do something. I don't care if it's annoying

If anything by Rodriguez had a shot, it should be "El Mariachi", but that movie is so slight and its charm is so low-key, you just can't rank it as one of the objective best of the decade.

If anything by Rodriguez had a shot, it should be "El Mariachi", but that movie is so slight and its charm is so low-key, you just can't rank it as one of the objective best of the decade.

I'm very happy to see "Star Trek: First Contact" mentioned in this thread, as it's one of my favourite movies. It had not even the slightest chance of being in the top 50, though, and I don't expect it to even get a spot in the honourable mentions list. This is understandable.

I'm very happy to see "Star Trek: First Contact" mentioned in this thread, as it's one of my favourite movies. It had not even the slightest chance of being in the top 50, though, and I don't expect it to even get a spot in the honourable mentions list. This is understandable.

Don't forget he's also going to be in Woody Allen's next movie, so yeah, he has a really busy 2013 lined up. Not that those movies typically take very long to make. It'll be sad not having new episodes of his show for awhile, but I'm sure there will still be plenty of opportunities to see him perform well, like in

Don't forget he's also going to be in Woody Allen's next movie, so yeah, he has a really busy 2013 lined up. Not that those movies typically take very long to make. It'll be sad not having new episodes of his show for awhile, but I'm sure there will still be plenty of opportunities to see him perform well, like in

A friend of mine helped me appreciate Lillard's performance in "Scream" more by pointing out how hilariously over-the-top he is. From his first appearance, he's constantly doing exaggerated body language and odd tics like making his voice all squeaky and ridiculous facial gymnastics. Watch him in his climactic scene,

A friend of mine helped me appreciate Lillard's performance in "Scream" more by pointing out how hilariously over-the-top he is. From his first appearance, he's constantly doing exaggerated body language and odd tics like making his voice all squeaky and ridiculous facial gymnastics. Watch him in his climactic scene,