Quote Unquote Sir

This problem of the stupid wormhole alien stuff detracting from a lot of other actually cool stuff going on is chronic until the end of the series. Even in the last episode. It's an unfortunate fetish of co-producer Ira Steven Behr, but the show is still able to achieve greatness at times (including in the finale) in

I never liked "One More With Feeling". I loved this show for things like character development, suspenseful, thoughtful, subtle storytelling, and characters bouncing eloquent and/or witty dialog off each other. With this episode, we instead got a lot of overblown theatrical singing and choreography. It took so much of

That's a shame. Obviously "Fast Five" isn't a very intelligent movie and there isn't a lot of substance to it, but as pure entertainment, it was damn satisfying and worth seeing on the big screen. It's the kind of movie that's a blast to watch with a crowd, communally enjoying its ridiculous action sequences and

All excellent choices. Tomalak's irritated, "SO, CAPTAIN, HOW LONG SHALL WE STARE AT EACH OTHER ACROSS THE NEUTRAL ZONE?" line was pretty funny too. I love the idea that Picard is too disoriented by another time jump to realize he's just staring at the view screen blankly, while Tomalak's just glaring at him thinking

Just stopping by to add to the chorus of thank yous for these reviews. It's been a real privilege having them to read after every episode re-watch, and I'm sure they'll hold up just as beautifully as the best episodes do when I read them again after future re-watches.

Rip is in the credits on IMDB. I hope that's accurate and he's actually in the movie, despite his absence in the trailer. Will Smith's impression of him in the first M.I.B movie was pretty funny.

Glad I'm not the only one who didn't like this movie. I felt the same way about it, except I'd add that the lead performance was overrated too. Lewis was basically doing the same schtick he did in "Gangs of New York", and it was more entertaining the first time.

I was disappointed when "Fight The Future" only got a live chat instead of a review. I still think you should write a review of it…maybe after you're done reviewing all seasons of The X-Files? Obviously you're not extremely strict about continuity because you reviewed the first two TNG movies before finishing that

He explained on "The Opie & Anthony Show" that he usually gets "a couple of chomps" on a pizza before a set because he just has to get some calories in him to do a show.

You know, I like his films…except for that nervous fella that's always in them.

I always thought I'd stick around till the end just like you, but that shockingly lousy season 7 finale made me never want to watch this show again. The season 6 finale would have been a perfect way to "close it out". It was an excellent climax to over a season of build-up (since Pinar first showed up) and would have

Yeah, his little bit of eulogizing at the end gets me teary every time:

I always liked the Beverly Crusher character (and Gates McFadden's performance in the role), so it bummed me out that she never got a decent spotlight episode, unlike Picard, Riker, Data, and Worf, who each got several. With "Sub Rosa", she finally gets an episode all about her and it sucks.

For the past few years I've felt like the biggest fan of this show on AVClub. I was really infuriated and heartbroken when the site declared it would discontinue "Weeds" coverage one episode into season six. I posted every week in that first episode's comments section, and to this day, I still think abandoning the

I'm probably in the minority on this, but I like this movie way more than the others in the Dollars Trilogy. In the first one, Clint Eastwood's character is the only interesting character in the movie. He's playing two towns against each other…and every person in both towns is an idiot.

Thanks for the usual thorough, thoughtful review, Myles. I think this was one of the better episodes of this season. I agree that it wasn't quite A-material, and the Silas stuff was the only part that gave it any dramatic weight. The quality of the seasons has obviously declined over time, but I believe every single

"Read My Lips" is the best episode of the series, in my opinion. I could write pages and pages about it, but I already wrote a glowing review of it on IMDB, so I won't say anymore about it. It's just total perfection on every level.

This was a nice idea and everything, but how about a review? Is there not going to be one? I'd like to know more about what Zach and Todd thought of the movie beyond a few lines in a chat log. A movie this good deserves more scrutiny.