
I had no idea
Detroit was the birth place of Techno. Thanks AV Club for opening up my eyes and showing me the way…

I think he was a standing comedian before this and even had a couple of specials air on the comical channel not that long ago (maybe a year or two).

It's almost as good as "Prognosis Negative."

I'll allow it.

The greatest thing Boston Legal has given the general public is the ability to win arguments, court cases and 3-legged races simply by stating who you are.

Yeah, mainstream gay actor role models are hard to come by.

I thought the trouble with tribbles was that they kept multiplyin…

Zeppo Baldwin is by the far the most underrated member of The Jackson 5, but he wasn't The Shadow.

Billy Zane is a cool dude.

Jenna Elfman was sort of memorable in Dharma and Greg, so if that was in this decade, yes, yes he has done something memorable.

I think it was Daniel Day Lewis who said John C. Reilly is such a good actor "he makes everyone else look like idiots running around in costumes."

Shatner's never going to die.

Man, I hate to do this, because it may further dehumanize me in the eyes of HORSEFELLOW but here goes (and I don't really care, I'm just lamely attempting to make myself laugh, so don't be offended):


Does it smell like victory? I hope it smells like victory.

No, I think it is *you* who should die of something made-up, because GH did nothing wrong and goddamnit I'll go to my grave defending that!

I've always wondered
how much a Light Saber would go for at auction, but I never thought it would be $240,000. Who the fuck pays that much money for something I bought my nephew at a toy store for $15 a few years ago? Unless it's an honest to god, working (meaning, able to dismember, slice and cauterize all at once)

I always assumed harcore anal sex was known as "The Grand Salami," but, then again, I'm an idiot.

I'm assuming it's going to be some sort of science experiment gone wrong that results in a mutated man-spider-Palinh beast, fueled by hatred and the tears of children with cancer. It's going to rumble from city to city raping endangered species and quoting the bible before dying at the hands of Nicolas Cage.

You're thinking Levitcusaurus Chapter 11, Verse 12.