
It's called a review for a reason just because you like the album and feel you understand the artist doesn't mean other people have to agree with you. I love her music, her voice and I think she's a gifted song writer who outshines many artist today who I feel are a bit overrated. Now, with that being said, I gave

I really lover her voice it's very soothing and she's captured the essence of retro Hollywood that I love. I feel like she's underestimated and maybe even a little misunderstood. Many people don't seem to get her vibe or understand her stage presence and performances or maybe they do and they're just not into it. But

No! actually there were perhaps four fan favorite seasons and the other 2 seasons were OK. Joseph as the evil twins or evil/good twins was miscast. His character didn't really add to the show. Now he's going to be on a new AMC comic book related show called the Preacher and this time around he wasn't miscast. His

That's what I thought. Joseph was coming off of some critically acclaimed mini series and I think that for the producers (at that time) he was a popular choice, but I think they should have taken more time out to audition for that slot. Roberts character was the stand out (I loved the whole original cast) but Roberts

LOL! that's what I'm saying because Robert Sheehan bounced up out of that role with the quickness. His portrayl of his character had won him a BAFTA and show had been nominated for a couple of BAFTA awards and had won at least 1 cast award. After the second season ended he begin receiving offers for other roles and

Joseph Gilgun killed the show for me. I like everyone on the show but him. I felt his characters the evil and good twin were annoying and obnoxious. He wasn't funny and added Zero to the show he was a let down, and I felt bad for him because I know that he had the pressure of being compared to Robert Sheehan, since

That version? you mean the original British version of the show or the original cast replacement from season 1-3? After Robert Sheehan's left the show the writers did a poor job replacing his character or adding another character to the show that filled his quirky characters spot. The producers filled his spot with a

He must really need money if he agreed to be in this movie. Now I have to admit I did get caught up in the books (all three) and although they were poorly written, all three books were better (in my opinion) than the movie and it's two lead characters. I didn't have a issue with James Dornan's in the lead role (at

Who is the Wanderer and why is he screwing every and anything with two legs and a mouth. As for Ragnar how in the hell is he still alive and why hasn't he been killed in his sleep yet.

The show aired on the wrong day at the wrong time, and the writers took too long getting to the plot point. It started out too slow and didn't pick up until midway through to the season finale. It was a great show but it did have a few problems, that needed working out and the network just don't have the financial

He actually co-wrote Cee-Lo's "Fuck You" with Cee-Lo. He didn't write that song all by himself, sorry but he didn't and he said so.

Thank you exactly. But he's so good that people take his talent for granted. We tend to forget the real artist when inundated with pop hits with catchy choruses, like all of Taylor Swifts music.

absolutely not, and if you truly believe that then you're delusional and tone deaf. But anything is possible, I hope he proves me wrong, but I doubt it. I don't think he will last that long with his record label and the public because of his short temperament, and huge ego. But you have faith in him and that's all

I listened to the whole album and it just sounds like an hour long apology, with repetitive beats layered on top. It was a waste of my time, but give it a listen before slagging it off because you might just enjoy it.


That's true but the 1D boy's have just come off a world wide tour, so it makes since that they would look worse for the wear, considering they were living out of Hotel rooms and eating god knows what, and drinking with the locals.

And he'd better take advantage of it because if his fans didn't find him so attractive he'd be a fading memory in time right now. His looks are the only reason why he's still popular because with a explosive, self-entitled attitude like his he's be back in Canada flipping burgers are still uploading videos on YouTube.

Your comparing a 15 year old "You Tube" star to UMI? WOW! OK.

It makes sense that you would like "Where Are You Now" I knew it! now it all makes sense.

I agree 100% with your post and the same word "Nostalgia" came to mind for me as well. Although their album has been positively reviewed earning anywhere between 3 to 4 1/2 stars those reviews also come off a bit condescending as well. Like the Billboard reviewer who gave the album 4 stars but also spent half the