
Grant Morrison describes how a cosplayer inspired his All-Star Superman story:

"Batman V Superman takes a title fight kids of all ages have been
speculating about for decades—costumed titan from the cosmos, meet
costumed vigilante from the city—and invests it with all the fun of a
protracted custody battle."

There just has to be a role for David Bamber somewhere in this series, right? I really enjoyed his Cicero in 'Rome', historical accuracy be damned.He struck me as a cowardly Varys-like figure who knows exacty what's coming but is too weak and powerless to stop it.

I disagree, mainly because Pullo and Vorenus build a RAFT made of bloated CORPSES.
But seriously, I didn't find the series plodding at all, it had a really brisk pace compared to Game of Thrones. We cover a lot of ground in those two series and the deaths (esp. of Brutus, spoiler, and Antonius) still feel more earned

Anything else by Ford worth reading, closer in style to Parade's? I tried some of his later 'satirical' novels which are very, very bad. One recurring gag in 'The Simple Life Ltd' consists in a Butler announcing a guest, a woman called Mrs. Lee, as 'Mrs. Plea' to his employer.

Has anyone read 'Parade's End' by Ford Madox Ford, maybe in the wake of its Cumberbatchian visualisation (which I have not seen yet)?
I just finished the first volume and it is really rather good; I think I underestimated Ford for years because he co-authored some of Joseph Conrad's worst novels, but whenever he veers

Ricky Coogin, I accidentally liked your comment. I would like to ask you to consider that 'like' as null and void, an ex-like.

I might be a little bit stupid, but I did not understand the climax of the first trade. Some new guy in a trenchcoat shows up, there is another person with a candle on his head and I am entirely lost. Am I stupid - a definite possibility - or does this comic contain scenes that are damn near indecipherable from a

Ellie, I don't quite agree with that. I don't think the problem with those memorials is their "preventing young people from moving on". Germany was always much better at building memorials and professing some vague overarching guilt rather than (1) persecuting every last one of the major culprits, many of whom have

Stringer & Avon: The  Early Years.

Suggestions for Franko's further literary adaptations:

Blood Meridian would be a really good movie for Terence Malick.

When Germany was mentioned in the article I knew exactly what you were going to say, HDB.