A Scotsman on a Horse

Probably my favourite episode. The opera scene is one of the best in the entire show, the perfect mix of humour and heart that Futurama at its best does so well.

The show was off the air before I was born, and I watched the entire series a couple years ago and loved it. It definitely holds up.

There's also the episode where Jerry says something like, "I've realized there's more to life than making shallow, fairly obvious observations."

Some people say not to worry 'bout the air.

Because "one galaxy over" sounds funnier?

I'm gonna go ahead and ignore the failed firsties to say that I also really liked Wind Waker. A lot of people like to hate on all the sailing sequences, but I actually thought those parts were a lot of fun, and I love the graphics.

I don't know, I don't struggle to go back at all. I play my Super Nintendo way more than my 360; I really don't care about the graphics when playing older games. of course, in a lot of cases it's easier to go back and play 16 bit era, 2d games, as the art can still look beautiful, as opposed to some of the early

Wouldn't that just be irony, not an oxymoron?

I think he was referring to the Book of Job. You know, from the bible.

If you're dropping by again, do pop in. And thanks a lot for the gold and frankincense. But don't worry too much about the myrrh next time, all right?

Definitely annoying; she was probably my least favourite part of the show. I didn't mind her in small doses, ie. when she's only speaking a couple lines. But anytime she was the main focus of an episode or anytime she was running around screaming and singing, which was alot, was incredibly irritating.

We are on a subject! Why does it have to be changed?

Checkmate is the best, because you get to hear the hilarious dialogue between Larry David and the king.

I live right near the small Ontario town where this was shot. I remember reading about it in a local paper some months back. Cool to see it get a good review here, I'll have to check it out.

And people say she's just a big pair of tits.

Curb often has more of a wacky, exaggerated, somewhat cartoonish tone, as well, so the cringe-inducing moments don't really hit you the way the more painful, realistic ones do on The Office.

Cue saxophone solo.

Yes! I used to watch that show all the time as a kid, though I can barely remember anything about it…

The Movie
I personally prefer the first Teen Wolf to Teen Wolf Too